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Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law: the Ex Post Facto Clause

Essay Instructions:

1 source preferred - CRIMINAL LAW 13th edition Gardner Anderson

2 other sources

Assignment 1: Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law

According to the text, crime has been part of the human condition since people began to live in groups. Ancient documents indicate that conduct we now call murder, theft, or robbery was identified as criminal by civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. Criminal laws regulate human conduct and tell people what they can and cannot do and, in some instances, what they must do under certain circumstances. In this assignment, you will explore different types of criminal conduct and the goals of criminal law.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Determine whether or not the Ex Post Facto Clause can be used as a defense to prohibit the increase in federal minimum/mandatory sentencing guidelines after a federal defendant has committed the crime. Provide a rationale to support your position.

Explain the distinction between criminal, tort, and moral wrongs. Next, support or criticize the premise that the standards set by moral laws are higher than those set by criminal law.

Identify and discuss the differences between solicitation of another to commit a crime and a conspiracy to commit a crime. Next, support or criticize the use of the unilateral approach to conspiracy convictions.

Identify the four (4) goals of criminal law, and discuss the manner in which these four goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar types of websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The human being was meant to be a social being and one with a clever mind that can easily socialize within themselves as well as their surroundings. It is naturally possible that in their association, different behaviors still kept them together but those that never felt comfortable, excluded themselves to other places (Gardne& Anderson, 2018). Each environment had its values and vice. Until today, different society exists with their distinct values and vices. The western world which is the first world country, have a given criminal law, which is more advanced as compared to those that are in Africa. Africa is a third world country and harbors a different approach in criminal cases. However, both societies have norms that dictate the verdict that has to be taken following an injury-induced to a plaintiff.
Good enough, the law governs all. This means that anybody can be a culprit to the crime. Once a crime has haunted someone, proper law procedure is followed using the accuser and the plaintiff. The accuser is someone that has been wronged while the plaintiff is the accused.
Ex Post Facto Clause as a defense to prohibit the increase in federal sentencing
Ex post facto clause is a law that is used to change legal status committed before the enactment of the law. Criminal law criminalizes the actions that were legitimate when committed. Crime may look worse in its category when committed (Gardne& Anderson, 2018). Also, it may change sentence that has been prescribed making it more pronounced which may add more penalties. This may make the assurance for crime more likely to be redone, than when it was committed.
The constitution of United States provides that the ex-post facto clause is prohibited. This is meant to reduce the punishment for any crime after being committed. To date, such specific rules remain unclear (Malik & Malik, 2015).
The distinction between criminal, tort, and moral wrongs and the standards set by moral laws being higher than those set by criminal law
The behaviors of the community are defined by the laws set by the people around. Criminal, tort and moral wrongs are part of the definition of such laws. In the identification of the definition of such laws; moral wrong is a fundamental idea for a legal wrong. Some of these moral wrongs are heavily punishable (George, 2000). Such vices that are punishable include, murder, and rape among others. The legal wrong on the other side includes parking problems which could hardly be put as moral wrongs.
Mora law is a guideline to behavior. This may hitherto be part of the codified written form, or even religion — some express moral law as an act of divination as being a state of the command. The ethical, moral laws that are held by Christianity, as well as secular law, do differ in many ways. What is accepted by circular like prostitution, abortion and theft are seen as illegal to Christianity?
Torts are a wrongful act that interferes with another property or person. It is mostly civil court happening. In court, if in any case, a defendant loses, the defendant has to compensate...
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