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Assessment of Criminal Justice from a Global Perspective

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1,375 word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following:

Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).

Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.

Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.

Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.).

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Assessment of Criminal Justice from a Global Perspective
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Assessment of Criminal Justice from a Global Perspective
The era of globalization has posed a significant threat and impact on the justice system. The overall understanding of globalization is to promote a greater good to humanity by increasing the level of interaction. Unfortunately, this interaction does not limit the occurrence and frequencies of crime. Today, issues of justice cannot be contained within the state or a given government. Interaction at the global level has made crimes to cross geographical barriers, creating a need for governments to rethink how they approach crime and criminal activities. This paper discusses the impact of globalization on the U.S justice system, compares and contrasts international criminal systems, discusses the impact of cybercrime, differentiates different policies at the global scale, and discusses major crimes and criminal issues happening in third world countries.
Impact of Globalization on the U.S Justice System
Transnational crimes have become rampant in the recent past, and the U.S justice system has not been spared. According to Bassiouni (2015), transnational crimes such as economic crimes and terror have affected the United States justice system. Today, the country is fighting to tame crimes from different countries such as human trafficking and drugs. Additionally, the international community has taken a serious step in taming and safeguarding human rights. One of the areas of concern has been on the war on terror and how the justice system in the United States handles criminal activities linked to terror. The international community through the Human Rights Commission has expressed concerns about crimes that touch on rights of civilians and immigrants making their way to the United States. Recently, the United States was condemned on its decision to tame illegal immigration by holding children of immigrants in camps. This is an indication that the United States has to have a justice system that takes into consideration the international standards.
Comparison of International Justice Systems
Most nations have adopted either the common law justice system or the civil law justice system. Globalization has created a common ground for nations to interact while at the same time promoting the common good of citizens. Common law is one of the most adopted systems in many countries. It is uncodified, implying that judges do not have to rely on legal procedures stipulated in the constitution of the country. Instead, judges often quote previous rulings from other countries as references (Jieng, 2013). In this age, most of these rulings are readily available over the internet. Lawyers and judges only have to Google the specific statute and how the judges interpreted it.
Unlike common law, civil law is a codified system that has been available as a tradition in many countries. In a codified system, judges and lawyers make reference based on the law of the land stipulated in the constitution. The United States relies on the codified civil law when making interpretations on rulings. The primary difference in common law and civil law is in the role of lawyers and judges. In common law, the lawyer presents evidence before the judge, and the judge has to make a ruling based on the strength of the evidence. This is a different case for civil law where lawyers advice clients (Cuesta, 2013). The United States operates on the system of common law. Other countries like France and Germany operate under civil law.
In countries with Muslim traditions, Islamic laws have become a major point of reference in justice systems. Unlike other criminal justice traditions that do not consider religious traditions in interpreting rulings, Muslim countries rely on the Quran as a significant point of reference when making rulings. The Islamic justice system is founded on Islamic codes and principles that dictate how Muslims should act. Some countries with the presence of Muslims have created a room for Islamic laws. Socialist laws are different from other laws in the sense that they are mainly practiced in countries that were under the rule of the Soviet Union. This justice system has not expanded to a global scale. It is still constricted in the Soviet Union region.
Cyber Crime and Technology and its Impact on Global Justice Syst...
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