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Corrections and Victims’ Rights Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Go to the Federal Bureau of Prisons' (BOP) Website, and review the “Resources For Victims & Witnesses,” located at http://www(dot)bop(dot)gov/resources/victim_resources.jsp. Next, go to the American Correctional Association Website, and review the ACA Code of Ethics, located at http://www(dot)counseling(dot)org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf. Lastly, go to Cornell University Law Schools' Website, and review “18 U.S. Code Crime § 3771 – Crime victims' rights,” located at http://www(dot)law(dot)cornell(dot)edu/uscode/text/18/3771.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
1) Examine the significant manner in which the Crime Victims' Rights Act protects the rights of crime victims. Provide your opinion of the effectiveness of this piece of legislation. Justify your response.
2) Determine whether or not victim impact statements add value during sentencing and parole hearings. Provide a rationale for your response.
3) Debate which is more important to a victim: the right to be notified of proceeding or the right to participate in a proceeding. Provide a rationale for your response.
4) Review the following three (3) statements, and determine the key ethical responsibilities of corrections personnel associated with them.
“Our job is not to punish.”
“Legal liability issues.”
“The rules don't apply."
5) Recommend two (2) strategies for ensuring that correctional employees (e.g., correctional staff, administrators, parole officers, probation officers, etc.) adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics.
6) Debate the importance of victims having a voice in the legal process.
7) Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Corrections and Victims’ Rights
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Corrections and Victims’ Rights
1 Examine the significant manner in which the Crime Victims' Rights Act protects the rights of crime victims. Provide your opinion on the effectiveness of this piece of legislation. Justify your response.
Governments across the world have passed and implemented certain laws whose objective is to protect the victims. These rights allow the victims to get access to certain information, and protection during the criminal justice process. Hoyle and Young (2002) note that the rights of the victims are dependent on the jurisdiction where the crime is being investigated and prosecuted. Some of the victims' rights include:
* The right to protection. Victims are entitled to protection from any threat, retaliation or intimidation during the criminal justice system.
* Right to be informed. The victims have the right to information that they think is necessary for exercising their rights through the available resources and services. The information that they may need include but not limited to: their rights, how to contact the criminal justice officials and what they will expect during the process.
* The right to a speedy trial. Most states have granted the victims a right to "a speedy trial" or "the disposition of the case from unreasonable delay."
* The right to restitution from the offender. Most states have provided the victims with the right to restitution meaning that they have an obligation to compensate or pay for the damages that may result from the crime. This is meant to hold the offenders responsible victims in terms of financial harm. The court orders the offender to compensate either in installments or lump sum. However, this right is limited to losses incurred in property loss, insurance deductibles, and lost wages.
* The right to be treated with respect, dignity, and sensitivity. The victims are entitled to treatment with fairness, care and courtesy by the officials throughout the criminal justice process.
* Right to apply for compensation. The victims are entitled to reimbursements for the expenses incurred during the crime. This is done to recognize and financial losses incurred by the victims and o be eligible, the victims must apply within the allowed time.
The rights of victims are important for a free and free hearing and final sentencing. These rights are in the constitutions of many states, and the states have an obligation of ensuring that they are provided without any prejudice.
The implementation of the Crime Victims' Rights Act protects the victims and provides a fair consideration in many states. The right to a fair hearing assures the victims that they are innocent until proved guilty giving them a chance to defend themselves.
2 Determine whether or not victim impact statements add value during sentencing and parole hearings. Provide a rationale for your response.
The victims' impact statements add value during the court proceedings by describing how the crime will impact their lives. The victims impact statements may include but not limited to: description to psychological, physical, emotional or financial harm incurred during the crime (Herlihy, 2013). This information also helps the judges in determining the sentence suitable for the offenders. This information and statements are important to the parole board as well since it helps them to decide whether a parole will be granted and what conditions should be applied if the offender is released.
Several victims have acknowledged the importance of making impact statements. This has improved their satisfaction and trust in the criminal justice system as it has helped th...
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