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Current Affairs Argument Espousing Act

Essay Instructions:

This project is designed to have the student analyze and incorporate an issue of current affairs into a thoughtful and insightful five-page position paper. Your goal is to effectively “argue” your position on the subject. Further details of this project will be discussed in class.

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Current Affairs Argument Espousing Act
Institution Affiliation
The vehement conflict regarding the subject of children adoption by homosexuals and couples of the opposite gender has been on discussion in many countries. The advocates argue that the children to be adopted require good care from parents and social amenities such as shelter and good health which is not related to sexual orientation. The opponents disregard this homosexual adoption act and argue that the action will cause despair, drug abuse, perversity and immorality to the guardians which adversely affect the children. The opponents also claim that lack of masculine and feminine characters can cause estrangement.
Some nations have not yet enacted laws regarding espousing of children by homosexual couples. Others have debates pending in the parliament awaiting legislation by the members of parliament. The laxity is explained by the fact that some societies disregard the issue of homosexual families. This is because of religious reasons which prevail in most of the modern societies. But the practice is gradually building foundation in many states and therefore the need to address it.
Many people in different parts of the United States support this law. The number of homosexuals has tremendously increased in the modern society, hence the need to address the issue of children adoption by such couples in the country. More importantly is the need to consider the rights of a minor in a democratic society to ensure the constitutional provisions provide full protection of them. Many motions have been tabled in the parliament to object the practice which to some is a vice. However, these statutes to eliminate child adoption in the united stated by lesbians and the gay have been opposed. The exponents claim the need to include the homosexuals in parenting.
The exponents of espousing act comment that human offspring are entitled to family life regardless of sexual position of the guardians or parents. They also defend that there is no known substantial evidence which shows difference between offspring living with homosexual parents and those of heterosexual parents. In addition, they belief than espousing is paramount in instances where the genetic parent of the child die.
Their adversaries commented that espousing of children by homosexual couples can make the minor adopt bad characters from them. These parents have parenting incompetence and are likely to mistreat the children. Also, some religions discourage the practice of homosexuality and hence espousing children by such people.
More than twenty states have supported second-guardian espousal of a child by homosexual parents citing the need to protect the rights of a child in case their father or mother dies or is mentally ill. They appreciate that the homosexuals are good guardians, and can exercise child protection practice if given the opportunity. In addition the judiciary considers the privileges of a child before determining any parenting case.
The homosexual are not adequately favored by the laws that restrict the capacity to be guardian by limiting various courses to guardianship such as common espousing of children and proxy. Also, their parenthood is not directly accepted by the constitution because of existence of biological parents of the child. The marriage of homosexual couples is unpredictable and can be dissolved, thus making it difficult to maintain care of the minor.
Craving Parenting
Homosexuals desire to become parents although some are satisfied without children. The law is important in addressing the grievances of lesbians and gays to adopt children, the privilege comes with repercussions. Homosexual couples living in the society where the marriage is considered a vice feel uncomfortable to adopt children. On the other hand, those living in places where the practice of same gender marriage is acceptable crave to adopt children. Such couples feel the law recognizes their sexual orientation and the potential to become good parents.
Some of homosex...
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