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Copyright or Trademark Infringement in the Music or Entertainment Industry

Essay Instructions:

After reading the text and lesson, complete this assignment using 250–400 words. 


Find a current event or recent case newer than January 2020 which deals with copyright or trademark infringement in the music or entertainment industry, and write an analysis that addresses the following points:

 Identify the background facts and the applicable intellectual property rights and related laws (copyright/trademark).  Explain how the law was applied or was used.

 Provide your analysis of the situation:

 Was the law useful and was it effectively and properly applied?  Was the result just and appropriate?

Please carefully edit and refine your work prior to submission. Proper spelling and grammar are expected for the assignment.

Outside Support

Support your opinion and analysis with facts and, if possible, with expert opinions and commentary from a third party.

 Cite at least one source outside of the course commentary, the course text, and your personal experience.

 Credit your outside source by providing a full reference at the bottom of your response and by citing the source within the body of your submission as may be appropriate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intellectual Property Writing Assignment
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Intellectual Property Writing Assignment
Over the years, there has been a discussion regarding intellectual property rights (IPR) since they help to protect and stimulate innovation. However, there have been myths regarding the IPR, so it is critical to check the common facts. One fact regarding IP rights is rights like any other rights. For example, IP rights are protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One fact regarding the IPR is that they can be protected internationally. The World Intellectual Property Organization allows creators and innovators to protect their services. For example, the organization's trademark can be protected internationally from abuse. The other fact is that the person can stop or sue someone who has infringed the IP. For example, if a person notices that the other person is infringing the trademark without permission, they can seek permission to stop the other party. There are other instances where the party can even be sued...
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