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Crisis Intervention Plan: School Shooting Incident

Essay Instructions:



The police station receives a report that gunshots have been fired at a local middle school. The initial news is that there are fatalities, and panicked children have called their parents. Now, parents have shown up at the school along with the local media.

Your task as a first responder is to develop a crisis intervention plan. Your plan should include how to do the following:

Determine the cause of the shooting.

Deal with the media and the parents.

Stop the violence before more students get injured or killed.


Your main research source will be your textbook when creating the program for the survivors. You should also use the references listed in this section, or conduct your research using reliable, relevant sources. Whether you agree or disagree with the authors, you must support your argument with reliable material from the provided sources. Also, if you have life experience in this area, you may include this information in your paper.

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Crisis Intervention Plan Essay
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Based on the prompt, the police station received news about a shooting incident at a nearby middle school. The report indicated confirmed fatalities and that panicked students had contacted their parents, who had arrived at the institution accompanied by the media personalities. As a concerned law enforcer and first responder, I would rush toward the direction of the gunshots. I would keenly monitor the scenario and proceed to save the trapped children from the incident. By adequately establishing the cause of the situation, I would effectively deal with the media and parents and develop an intervention plan to minimize damages. This paper is a crisis intervention program tailored to guide the response to the shooting incident at the local middle school. The crisis intervention plan includes approaches to establish the incident cause, address the concerns of parents and media outlets' concerns, and manage the violence to prevent more injuries or fatalities.
Determining the Cause of the Shooting
The initial step in crisis control and management is to ascertain the primary cause of the incident. A thorough investigation should incorporate law enforcement, school officials, and concerned forensic experts. The process should be conducted in progressive steps. First, the crime scene should be secured. As a first responder, I must ensure the scene is secured to curtail the contamination of evidence. Second, I would rush to interview the students and other witnesses. Soma (2017) asserts that as a first responder, you should concentrate on resilience to achieve positive results (both physically and emotionally for the victims). I would actively interact with crisis intervention professionals and law enforcement individuals to interview the witnesses. Such a procedure would help gather valuable insights about the phenomenon and potential motives of the perpetrators. This is also a crucial strategy to augment the safety experience and ensure the parents and children are hopeful and empowered to succeed despite the unstable situation. Third, I should inquire about engagement with specialized individuals since the victims are children. For example, coordinating special officers and bodies like the homicide division and security officers will ease the investigation (Kanel, 2019). These stakeholders will integrate efforts to scrutinize the evidence, such as witness accounts, possible threats, and CCTV footage that the witnesses might have presented. Finally, I would like the school authorities and parents to coordinate with mental health experts in the intervention process. This is critical in identifying any possible psychological matters arising from the incident (Kanel, 2019). School professionals and counselors should liaise to offer emotional support to the children.
Accordingly, the approaches mentioned above to establish the cause of the shooting incident are congruent with Kanel's (2019) ABC model of crisis intervention. Interviewing the students and other witnesses is a great way to establish a rapport between the responder and the victims. This will include collecting the attending behavior, authentic questioning, and allowing the children and other witnesses to provide insights that could help establish the cause of the incident. Second, the responder or counselor should identify the problem, which was the primary essence of establishing the cause of the shooting incident. Lastly, the responder considers the services of specialized professionals, including counselors, to improve the children's and teachers' emotional wellbeing (Kanel, 2019). This step focused on the victims' coping behaviors to remain emotionally sound after the incident.
Dealing with the Parents and Media
According to a report by the Center for Mental Health i...
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