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Conflict Management: Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Units

Essay Instructions:

Week 4 – Managing Conflict Paper

Read the Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Units case study starting on p. 335, Ch. 11 of Criminal Justice Organizations.

I have provided case study In PDF.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper answering the questions at the end of the case study. Emphasize strategies that could have prevented much of the conflict that occurred in the scenario. Use the questions in “Think like an Administrator” on p. 337 for possible topics to cover.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Know conflict behaviors.

Competing behavior

Accommodating behavior

Avoiding behavior

Collaborating behavior

Compromising behavior

Define conflict management. Conflict management is a series of steps involving both process interventions and structural interventions to manage conflict. Describe process interventions and structural interventions. Process interventions are personal characteristics, informal rules, constituent pressure, conflict of interest, power and status, and organizational policy. Structural interventions are selection, training, and contextual modifications. Understand the limits to conflict management and their application to criminal justice organizations. Goal attainment by competing parties Consequences of conflict episodes Conflict management must be economical of time and effort Understand the role of conflict in organizations. Conflict within criminal justice organizations can be both beneficial and harmful. Conflict may be beneficial to the long-term health of criminal justice organizations. Eliminating it may not be practical or possible and could be counter- productive to these organizations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study Analysis
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Conflicts are a common phenomenon in many organizations globally. This is evident in the given case study. A multi-jurisdiction unit was formed to handle crystal meth production and distribution, but it went through various crises, including killing an innocent man. Despite the team being poorly coordinated, its chain of command was also not great.
Some officers tended to listen to their previous unit supervisors rather than executing orders and tasks that they had already been allocated.
The type of conflict evident in this case is inter-organization. Different institutions share a common purpose but disagree on how it will be attained. The case study supports this assertion. For example, fifteen municipalities allocated officers to fight crystal meth production, but a conflict arose on how it was to be done. The case also notes that the multi-jurisdictional unit sometimes responded to crimes outside its mandate. Officers were also competing for resources with the fire department. These statements support the notion that the conflict in the case is inter-organization. There is a clash between different organizations’ objectives and goals.
Since multi-jurisdictional units are common globally, various issues must be discussed before creating them. This includes the sources of funding, personnel, and equipment. The officers’ salaries should also be agreed upon, including other benefits like compensation when an individual is injured.
There is also a need to discuss training and authority before forming a multi-jurisdiction unit. In addition, a commander of the entire group should be selected to reduce cases of officers reporting to their former group leaders. The role of the multi-jurisdictional units must also be discussed to avoid situations of officers working on crimes outside their jurisdictions.
This discussion needs to involve all stakeholders, including the government, law enforcement leaders, and the fire department. Doing so will ease solving conflicts that might arise. The demand for creating multi-jurisdictional drug units can be linked to a rise in federal funding and irrational fear of drugs.
The conflict in the given case study could have been addressed in several ways. Examples involve allocating roles to units clearly and discussing their operation strategy. Encouraging competition among group members within the crew could have also harnessed the conflict. However, this must be done mode...
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