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Civic Engagement and Public Policy: Affordable Care Act

Essay Instructions:

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcomes:

SS238-1: Identify how different factors shape public policy.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Many different factors shape public policy. Public policy is often a complex interplay between many factors: government(s), citizens, and outside interests.

An example of how different factors shaped public policy is Medicaid, a government program that provides health insurance to low income and disabled people. The passing of Medicaid legislation was due to civic engagement, public opinion, social and economic rationales, and government involvement.

In 1962, Michael Harrington, a political activist and author, published the best-selling book, The Other America: Poverty in the United States. Harrington argued that in contrast to the growth of the middle class during the late 50s and early 60s there were still many Americans living in abject poverty. Harrington lamented how “...the poor are invisible,” and subject to a “poverty of culture.” Thus, it was the job of society to “help them before they can help themselves.” (Isserman, 2015)

Harrington’s book ignited a mostly compassionate response from Americans. President Johnson, who was humbly raised in south Texas was already deeply sympathetic to the plight of the poor. With public opinion on his side, President Johnson exerted Congress to pass a comprehensive set of legislation, coined, the Good Society. The very focus on this “Second New Deal” was a war on poverty. Part and parcel of this legislation was Medicare and Medicaid.

On July 30, 1965 President Lyndon Johnson signed the Social Security Amendment of 1965 into law. Provisions of this law included Medicaid and Medicare. Unlike Medicare that provides health insurance to people age 65 and over, Medicaid provides health insurance to low income and disabled people. Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal and individual state governments. Although each state must follow certain, mandatory guidelines, states are able to individually determine eligibility, services, and payments. As a result, Medicaid coverage varies from state to state.

Medicaid saw a dramatic increase in coverage when Congress passed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). This law greatly expanded those eligible for coverage and the federal government pledged to almost entirely fund expanded coverage. However, due to the Supreme Court Case, NFIB v. Serbelius, states now have a choice in the matter. Each state can reject this, expanded coverage and keep their state’s Medicaid program at the previous parameters. As a result of federal and state, health care policies, 32 states expanded coverage and 18 states declined the expanded coverage. This is important because today one out of five Americans receive some sort of Medicaid coverage.

Directions: Within a 400 word, APA formatted expository essay, please include:

* Title page

* An introduction.

* Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields:

* Economic policy

* An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending.

* Education policy

* An example of education policy are the implementation of charter schools.

* Environmental policy

* An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act.

* Foreign policy

* An example of foreign policy is the interplay between civil liberties and the Patriot Act.

* Healthcare policy

* An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

* Welfare policy

* An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

* Provide a summary of this public policy.

* Explain how three different factors shaped this public policy.

* How do political factors shape this public policy?

* Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.

* How do social factors shape this public policy?

* Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.

* How do economic factors shape this public policy?

* Support your responses with at least one specific referenced example.

* Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources.

* Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.

* A conclusion.

* Reference page.

* APA format.

* Title page.

* Reference page.

* APA citations.

* Double spaced sentences.

* 12 point Times New Roman.

* Standard English grammar.

* Correct punctuation and spelling.

* Logical, well ordered sentences.

The APA formatted assignment should be at least 400 words and must use and cite the text and primary documents as sources. Cite the work internally and in full reference at the end, following APA style guidelines. Citation is important to build the definitions, demonstrate your research, and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which are from the source.

**** *** Be sure to review the attached Competency Assessment Rubric to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated. **** ***

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Civic Engagement and Public Policy
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Civic Engagement and Public Policy: ACA
ACA, or the Affordable Care Act, is one of the most polarizing laws ever enacted in the U.S. The law enacted in March 2010 brought about the division in the country, with Conservative Republicans and the liberal Democrats disagreeing on a majority of elements contained in the law. Since 2017, the U.S. has been divided with regard to the law, and it is only recently that the country started to show signs of being more favorable than unfavorable to the law. Kirzinger et al. (2022) note that since 2017, people in favor of the ACA have been increasing, and in March 2022, the percentage stood at 55%. Those holding an unfavorable standing of the ACA currently stood at 42%. Regardless of the debate, ACA sought to bring about major changes in America’s healthcare. One thing that ACA sought was to use subsidies to ensure insurance affordability for most Americans. Secondly, the law aimed at expanding the Medicaid program to include adults earning an income that is less than 138% of the country’s federal poverty level. Thirdly, ACA sought to provide support to innovative techniques and methods with the goal of helping to lower the cost of healthcare in the country.
The ACA, as Campbell and Shore-Sheppard (2020), is America’s most significant healthcare reform since Medicare and Medicaid. However, due to the polarizing nature of American politics, political factors have heavily influenced the law. Insurance companies have lobbied against the law since its inception and adoption. Immediately after Donald Trump took office, the insurance companies lobbied for the repeal of the law, and Republican legislative did their best to repeal the ACA. In her article, Small (2017) mentions the efforts of Anthem, an insurance company, to try and lobby for the repeal of the ACA. She quotes Anthem’s CEO saying that the company would decide to enter the individual marketplace only after policymakers have met certain recommendations. These remarks are rampant in the insurance circles despite reports that repealing ACA could cause more problems to the country’s public health crisis (Straw & Aaron-Dine, 2020). So, politics has been at the center of the debate between the Democrats and Conservatives, with the latter working hard to repeal the ACA while heavily backed by lobbyists within the insurance sector.
Aside from political factors, economic factors also shaped ACA. U.S. healthcare has been the highest in the world for a long time. In 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2021) reports that healthcare spending increased by a whopping 9.7% to reach a total of $4.1 trillion. Further, CMS indicates that this figure accounts for 19.7% of the country’s total expenditure. Aside from the above, ACA was shaped by the prospect of adding more of the uninsured population to healthcare covers. Price and Saltzman (2013) note that t...
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