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The First Amendment has Two Provisions Regarding Religion

Essay Instructions:

They must be a minimum of 230 words each questions. The corporate concepts should consist with NJ statue regulatory that each court case must provide the "Which test did apply for making the argument in the court and why did the court reject or agree on this argument ", and constitutional fundamental legal reasoning---> This is for making the legal analysis

There are 5 writer that discussed their argument that you are going to provide the critical legal analysis that are consist with our reading lists.

Here are the reading lists:

The following is a list of the readings for Week 4 of this course:

1. Cal Fam. Code §§ 6925-6928

2. Anspach v. City of Philadelphia (2007)

3. Planned Parenthood v. Farmer

4. In re E.G. (Ill. 1989)

5. English & Ford, The HIPAA Privacy Rule and Adolescents

6. HIPAA Privacy Rule and Sharing Information Related to Mental Health (2017)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The First  Amendment has Two Provisions Regarding Religion
The First Amendment has two provisions regarding religion. The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion. As such, this is meant to ensure that there are no state-sponsored religious institutions. The second provision is the Free Exercise Clause which protects the people's right to practice their religion as they want, as long as they do not go against "public morals" or "compelling" government interests. An example is Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944), where the Supreme Court indicated that the State could not force the inoculation of kids whose parents' religious beliefs did not allow such. At the same time, the Supreme Court maintained that the State has an overriding interest in ensuring public safety and protecting public health.
Where a court establishes that a law infringes on a fundamental constitutional right, it is expected to apply the strict scrutiny standard. The government must prove that the law is required to attain a "compelling state interest." At the same time, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is "narrowly tailored" to attain the compelling aim. Further, the law should use "less restrictive methods" to attain the outlined objectives. A court may declare the law unconstitutional if the government cannot show these conditions.
In examining the neutrality of law, the court should consider various factors. Firstly if the law restricts a religious practice due to its religious nature, it violates the threshold of neutrality. Additionally, the law must not restrict religiously motivated conduct while exempting comparable secularly motivated conduct. Hence, I support the idea that for a law to maintain neutrality, it must not lean on either the medical side of the religious one. Where it provides an exception for a medical exception, then it must also make another one for religion. Otherwise, such a law would not survive the strict strictness.
I favor religious exemptions to vaccination because of several factors. Firstly, the First Amendment requires the State to accommodate members of religious groups who object to vaccination because of religious grounds. Again, government neutrality requires religious accommodation where the State offers secular exemptions. The states must maintain exemptions from mandatory vaccinations, which means they allow secular exemptions. In the same way, religious exemptions must be provided. If states include secular exemption and exclude religious beliefs, they violate strict state neutrality, which the First Amendment requires.
It is important to appreciate that healthcare providers have to minimize the spread of diseases and protect their patients. Vaccination is an effective way for healthcare workers to fulfill this duty. However, the State cannot force someone to forgo their religious beliefs to enforce this. For instance, the Biden administration's vaccine requirement for healthcare workers started in February 2022. However, the requirement provided the workers with religious exemptions after filling out the necessary form. The requirement indicated that healthcare workers either get vaccinated or have a hospital religious or medical exemption. Should healthcare workers' religious beliefs be ignored in balancing religious freedom and public health? I believe this should not be the case. Unless the State can demonstrate that religious freedom is endangering public health, there is no basis for denying religious exemption from vaccines for the workers.
Remember that workers can request exemptions because of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects them from discrimination based on religion and other factors. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission October 2021 issued guidance on how organizations should navigate the issue of COVID19 vaccines. The organization appreciates that employers should accommodate employees' sincerely held religious beliefs as long as they do not impose an undue hardship.
DQ 4.1: Erin Sussman
Erin opposes the idea that E.G should decide on whether to undergo the transfusion or not. Indeed, the adolescent brain is still developing, given the incomplete prefrontal cortex. Because of this, teens tend to make more emotional decisions than rational ones. While this is true, it should not be used to discredit a teens' decision-making ability regarding their treatment. The State has the responsibility of protecting teenagers from their own immaturity. However, in some contexts like pregnancy, abortion, and childbirth, the State recognizes that are capable of making informed decisions. Hence, while Erin feels that E.G.'s brain at 1...
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