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City Demographics and Crime Profile. New York City Demographics and Crime Profile.

Essay Instructions:

Select a U.S. city of your choice.

Write a 250-word paper in which you analyze the criminal profile of your selected city. Include the following information in your analysis:

1. Characterization of the city in terms of the social and intellectual context

2. Identity of social factors that contribute to crime

3. Linking of events or attitudes to a description of beliefs people living there would accept for explaining criminal behavior

4. Consideration of changes in land use, property values, transportation, and retail as one moves away from the city center

5. If there are changes, what distance do you estimate exists between these areas?

6. How noticeable are the changes?

7. Discussion of whether or not zones of transition apply to this city

Identification of criminal hot spots

8. Relevant data to support answers

9. How your findings relate to the role of socioeconomic status and values in criminological theory

10. Identification and rationale for the choice of one sociologic theory that best explains the crime in your chosen city

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

New York City Demographics and Crime Profile
Student’s Name:
Despite being one of the largest cities in the United States and the world, New York has a fair share of crime. The city demographic provides a diverse outlook of the population even though there are majorities and minorities. Over the years, crime in the city has been on a downward trend, making New York’s crime rate lower than that of some states in the U.S.
One of the social factors leading to crime is inequality within the city population. High unemployment is also another social factor leading to crime in the city. In 2018, New York recorded the highest disparity level between the 1% top earners and the rest of 99% (Seridan, 2020). The city’s unemployment which is a social factor, has been highlighted by the pandemic, which by May 2020, it had reached a record level of 14.5% as many people lost their jobs (Brennan, 2020). Individuals from low-economic status neighborhoods with no employment tend to turn to crime as their source of income. Socioeconomic status correlates negatives with criminality. Therefore, high income, high occupation level, high education leads to reduced crime and vice v...
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