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Criminal Procedure Policy Paper: Discussion of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe the key elements of the rights guaranteed by the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments and their impact on criminal procedure by the courts and police officers.

Include an explanation of how the Bill of Rights applies to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

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Discussion of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments
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Discussion of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments
Fourth Amendment and its impacts to police officers and courts
The Fourth Amendment of the constitution protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure of and their private properties. However, the Fourth Amendment does not offer total protection from all searches and seizures, as there are circumstances in which government is liable to conduct little research. For example, the police can investigate a car when he thinks the car was involved in a criminal act (Legal Information Institute, n.d). But in most cases, the unreasonable search and seizures are accompanied by oath specifically indicating the place to be searched or the person under investigation. Some of the rights provided in the fourth Amendment include:
Right to privacy
The Fourth Amendment protects Americans from unreasonable searches and information seizures that can be used against them in courts. This law applies even in criminal investigations. Upon searching, the government officer must produce a warranty describing the person under the search, and the suspected criminal can be taken to court to be proven guilty. Under the court proceedings, the alleged criminal is liable for defending himself through an advocate (Abasogie & Newman, 2018). The court judge has to determine the allegations by proving all laws complied when issuing a search warrant to prove the person guilty.
Right to protection of arbitrary arrest
The fourth Amendment protects the individual from illegal arrest, torture, and detention by stipulating any arrest must be obtained with probable cause. This element protects the government officers like police from the unreasonable arrest of individuals even they suspect your criminal. The police must produce an arrest warrant indicating the person and the reason for arresting him within forty-eight hours. However, there are circumstances under which the Fourth Amendment allow police to conduct arrest, particularly when the suspected criminal wants to escape (Abasogie & Newmn, 2018). In court proceedings, the judge has a total determination of whether the arrest complied with the law and investigates the allegations against the suspected criminal to prove him guilty according to the rules.
Fifth Amendments and its impacts to the police officers and courts
The Fifth Amendment guarantee protection to the people who have committed crimes. The fifth Amendment states a person shall be not be tried and imprisoned without due process of the law, the suspected person cannot be tried double for a similar offense, and any criminal charge must begin by a grand jury (Constitution of the United States of America, n.d).
The right to fair procedures and trials
The fifth Amendment protects suspected criminals by stating every person accused of having committed a criminal offense cannot be imprisoned without going to due process of law. However, there are circumstances where the police can arrest suspected criminals threatening the public peace, implying that they are lawfully liable to arrest such individuals (Constitution of the United States of America, n.d). During the court proceedings, the suspected criminals are given fair trials ...
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