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Present Security Checks Protects the US from Hostile Immigration

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, conduct research on a Homeland Security and Emergency Management topic utilizing the steps of the scientific method. 

Conduct an original research project in one of the following topic areas. For reference purposes and review, these key homeland security areas and sub-disciplines can be reviewed at the U. S. Department of Homeland Security website.


Counterterrorism activities and programs in aviation security or law enforcement

General Counterterrorism ( see Department of Homeland Security | Counterterrorism)

Aviation (see Department of Homeland Security | Transportation Security)

Law Enforcement (see Department of Homeland Security | Law Enforcement)

Border security activities and programs in protecting America (See Department of Homeland Security | Border Security)

Preparedness, response and recovery activities and programs in disaster response or disaster recovery (See Department of Homeland Security | Preparedness, Response & Recovery)

Immigration activities and programs in immigration enforcement (See Department of Homeland Security | Immigration)

Homeland security activities and programs in cybersecurity and privacy protection (See Department of Homeland Security | Cybersecurity) 

Once a topic area has been selected, formulate a research question and supporting hypotheses for approval by the instructor at the conclusion of Week One. 

Use your approved research questions and hypotheses to develop research variables and a literature review for submission during Week Two. 

During Week Three, Four and Five, conduct research and write a research paper that is between eight pages in length (excluding the title and reference page) and includes the following basic structure. 

Identify a key issue and explain the supporting research question in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. (1 page)

State one research hypothesis that may answer the research question. You may use one that you formulated for Week One assignment, “Research Project Prep.” (1 page)

Establish research variables for analysis and subsequent confirmation or refute of the research hypothesis. (roughly 1-2 pages)

Present results of research informing the proposed research variables. This research must be supported by at least eight legitimate academic resources, five of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library. The course textbook will not be considered for the resource requirement. (2 to 3 pages)

Analyze the research question and supporting hypothesis. (1-2 pages)

Construct a conclusion of research (results and answer of the research). (1-2 pages)

Include a reference page, which does not count towards the summative assignment’s page total. The reference page should be as long as needed to accurately account for all utilized research materials. Each item of the reference page should be in APA format and include where the reference was located (i.e., Ashford Online Library, Internet, etc.).

The Capstone Research Project must be at least eight pages in length. You must use at least eight scholarly resources, other than the course textbook, to support your thesis. At least five of these resources must come from the Ashford Online Library. All sources must be properly cited in text as well as on the reference page. The Capstone Research Project must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, review the APA Checklist within the Ashford Writing Center, located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar.

Writing the Capstone Research Project

The Capstone Research Project:

Must be a minimum of eight (8) double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must address one of the topics found in the Capstone Research Project guidelines.

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least eight scholarly resources, including a minimum of five from the Ashford Online Library.

Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Greetings I my hypotheses was "Yes Present Security Checks Protect the US from Hostile Immigration" 

Questions were- 

-What is hostile Immigration

-Does the use of biometrics assist in the prevention of Hostile Immigration

-Does Security checkpoints assist in the prevention of Hostile Immigration

-Does predator drones assist in the prevention of hostile Immigration

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Capstone Research Project: Present Security Checks Protects the US from Hostile Immigration
Homeland Security and Emergency Management came about as a result of the effort to prepare for emergencies and civil defense arrangements for decades. Since the end of World War II presidents and congress have debated, formulated and identified various administrative responsibilities aimed at managing emergencies. There are several issues that have been debated on and some of them include: what should be considered as limitations or boundaries of the matters that are subject to the agency, office or department charged with emergencies’ management, whether natural threats like floods and earthquakes ought to be distinguished from those resulting from human action or inaction and handled differently, in which ways state policies should be coordinated with federal policies, and how to establish responsibilities for emerging threats (Hogue & Bea, 2006). This research is aimed at demonstrating that Present Security Checks Protects the US from Hostile Immigration. This will be achieved through focusing on the following study questions; -What is hostile Immigration? -Does the use of biometrics assist in the prevention of Hostile Immigration? -D Security checkpoints assist in the prevention of Hostile Immigration? -Does the use of predator drones assist in the prevention of hostile Immigration?
From the time America experienced an attack in September 11, 2001, there has been recognition that threats and troubles could pose present and near dangers to America’s shores. This awareness has made America put in place measures aimed at maintaining a constant, vigilant and capable posture that would enable the nation to protect itself from evolving hazards and new threats. Additionally, the nation has realized that protection and vigilance are only necessary tools in executing national purpose.
America has also accepted the fact that national security as well as strategic interest is interdependent and evolving and that the nation’s effort to promote homeland security reflects similar activities. As America develops new technologies and capabilities, the adversaries continues to find ways of evading them as was evidenced by the attempted terrorist attack in December 25, 2009 on Flight 253. America has consistently applied mechanisms that enable it to stay ahead of its adversaries. The homeland security addresses both the framework for American strategic response and the threats presented. The homeland security enterprise consists of the Federal, the State, the Local, the Tribal, the Territorial, nongovernmental as well as Private sector entities as well as families, individuals, and community at large who share a collective interest in the security and safety of America and its population. The department of Homeland Security is one among many components of American enterprises (AI, 2012; USDHS, 2010).
Homeland security is charged with the tasks involving securing American borders and managing immigration systems. The department possesses incomparable capabilities and hence responsibilities. The department also gets involved in other areas such as emergency management and critical infrastructure protection where it plays the role of stewardship and leadership on behalf of the departments who possess the capabilities of executing the tasks. When it comes to other areas such as defense, diplomacy and counterterrorism, other Federal agencies and departments play vital roles and responsibilities including Departments of Defense, Justice, and State, the National Counterterrorism Center and Federal Bureau of Investigation (USDHS, 2010).
Hostile Immigration
Studies conducted in the recent times indicate that immigration-related attitudes are shaped by concerns about American nation as a whole. Some of these concerns are symbolic or cultural threats and perceived economic threats. There are various factors influencing hostile attitude towards immigrants (Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014). For instance, economic advances to the immigration’s political economy tend to center on the impacts of immigration within labor market competition model. However, concerns about natives’ welfare system may be an additional factor that may fuel hostility towards immigration as long as immigrants are considered as competitors for the available resources. Hostility towards immigration can also be founded on cultural factors that are unrelated to any economic consideration (Dustmann & Preston, 2004).
The pioneering article by Scheve and Slaughter (2001) linked immigration attitudes with a formal economic model symbolizing immigration’s distributional impact. The explanation is founded on factor proportion (FP) model which is a theoretical model that assumes perfect substitutability between immigrants and natives and delivers the distributional effects of immigration in unwelcoming terms. The FP model supposes that an influx of immigrants with low skills will eventually swell the supply of low-skilled labor, which in turn will lower wages and to some extent employment for the natives with low-skills and at the same time raise wages for the highly skilled natives. In contrast, it is envisioned that an in influx of immigrants with high skills results in making low-skilled labor comparatively scarce. Such an assumption is real more so due to the fact that the number of American natives have raised and the rate of unemployment has gone up (Citrin Sides, 2007). Scheve and Slaughter have therefore argued that immigration attitudes can partly be attributed to material self-interest. The American natives believe that the effect of immigration on their earnings is dependent on their skills and also on the skills of the immigrants. The 1992, 1994 as well as 1996 results of ANES (American National Election Study) indicated that low-skilled workers (estimated by level of wages and years of education) were more likely to be in opposition to immigration (Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014). These findings are consistent with Factor Proportion model based on the assumption that American respondents had low-skilled immigrants in their mind when they responded to the survey questionnaire about preferred immigration levels (Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014).
A similar article by Mayda (2006) applied the Factor Proportion model of attitude construction cross-nationally based on 1995 data obtained from ISSP (International Social Survey Programme). The findings were that positive correlation between Native Americans’ skills and the support for immigration was highest in countries where Native Americans were more skilled as compared to the immigrants. In these countries, the natives are more likely to benefit from the salary effects of low-skilled immigration depending on the Factor Proportion model (Citrin & Sides, 2007; Hainmueller & Hopkins, 2014).
Another economic concern that leads to formation of preferences towards immigration is whether immigrants fund their welfare system. According to Borjas (1999), immigrants in the US get a disproportionately huge share of the welfare funds distribution. Borjas (1997) draws focus on the possible effect of immigration on the dependency ratios as well as the subsequent effects on cost of the social and benefit security systems. He went further to argue that under progressive taxation, the entailed tax burden eventually bears heavily on well to do households and this provides a likely reason for much concern among the highly paid. It is obvious that economic above described economic theories have opposing implications. On one hand, the labor market hypothesis presupposes that xenophobia is likely to occur among the economically disadvantaged, the interpretation of the use-of-services envision immigration resentment coming from the affluent population. In contrast, if the welfare expense budget was to be fixed, then the low waged would suffer even more (MRN, 2013).
Actually, there is hard evidence that public opinion is shaped by the perception that a bigger number of immig...
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