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Crime Scene Investigation Essay Topics

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Crime Scene Investigation

Due Week 3 and worth 160 points

Preliminary investigations do not necessarily yield enough information to prosecute a criminal case. Despite a thorough preliminary investigation, many cases require a follow - up investigation. Use your textbook, the Internet, and / or Strayer Library to research articles on crime scene investigation. 

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

1.Assemble a set of guidelines on conducting preliminary investigation for a criminal case.

2.Propose one (1) strategy that criminal investigators should take in order to conduct an efficient follow-up investigation. Provide a rationale to support your response. 

3.Select two major crimes (e.g. sudden deaths, sex related crimes) and compare and contrast the key differences in reporting the two major crimes that you selected.

4.Determine the three (3) most important characteristics of an effective criminal investigator and discuss the importance of each characteristic you determined.

5.Support or critique the argument that the criminal investigation process should maintain the balance regarding freedom of information through media outlets and privacy rights of alleged perpetrators of crime. Provide a rationale to support your response.

6.Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Describe the major components of and responsibilities involved in the investigative process.

•Recommend improvements to the criminal investigation process in selected areas.

• Describe the procedures for the preparation of field notes and the documentation of a crime scene.

•Use technology and information resources to conduct research in the criminal investigation process.

•Write clearly and concisely about the criminal investigation process using proper writing mechanics. 

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crime Investigation
Crime investigation
Every minute of every hour, there is always a crime that is taking place in the different parts of the world. For the police and the crime scene investigators it is an uphill task. Few of the actual crimes taking place are ever reported and even fewer come to the attention of the police for investigations. Crimes have to be investigated before the perpetrators are brought to book. This means that there is evidence connecting the accused persons to the acts that they are sued for. If the evidence does hold and prove that the person accused did commit the atrocities beyond reasonable doubt, they are jailed or fined depending on the crime they committed and the laws governing the same.
Of importance to note is that, every time an act of crime comes to the attention of the police, they have to conduct what is referred to as the preliminary investigations('Forensic Evidence and Crime Scene Investigation', 2013). This is the process where the police together with crime scene investigation experts try to determine who could be the suspect in the case and gather the evidence that could incriminate the said persons. Where the crime is a serious offence, once the suspect is identified, the prosecutor leads the preliminary investigations. In the case where the crime is not considered as serious, the police may take the case all the way to the end, which means conviction(Stichman& Gordon, 2014).
Preliminary investigations
The preliminary investigations form the basic foundation of the case that the police and the prosecutor are trying to build. This means that it is a very crucial step towards closing a case and making sure that the right suspects are identified and charged accordingly, serving justice and observing the law. In case there is a flaw in the preliminary investigations, there are high chances that the case may not make it in a court of law as the entire case will be based on shaky evidence and misguided efforts(Stichman& Gordon, 2014). As such the importance of the right procedures and success of the preliminary investigations cannot be understated. In the case of a criminal case such as a homicide, there are some basic guidelines that can be followed which would ensure that the case is successful.
The first step immediately after the officers are informed of the crime, is to establish protocol for the preservation of the crime scene. This means that all the witnesses should be held, no telephones within the area should be used and a personnel log of all the people in contact with crimes scene and vehicles in the area should all be noted.
The officers should then notify a prosecutor who would accompany them to the scene and one that would take charge of the investigation. Working as a team is the most crucial element of a crime scene(Stichman& Gordon, 2014).
The investigators should first get the detailed accounts of the first officers at the scene and ensure that nothing at the scene of crime has been removed or added, before they take over the homicide investigation.
The area should never be entered blindly, as there should be entry and exit points and all the officers at the scene should understand that protocol.
It is important for the officer leading the investigation to release the rest of the officers that are not directly involved in the case, to reduce overcrowding which tends to take place at a crime scene.
Ascertain if there is any evidence that is fragile at the scene and handle it first before it lost, which means photos, should be the first point of contact and record.
After confirming the death, the officers should record time and events as well as take note of all the measurable evidence, which are crucial in developing a coherent testimony in court.
Notes should also be taken of the dead body and the surrounding in reference to the sex, age, lividity, appearance, hair color, skin color, build, clothing and the extent of injuries on the body, any weapons on the scene as well as what may be the apparent cause ...
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