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California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Policy Analysis

Essay Instructions:


Based on the framework laid out in your lesson, you are to critically analyze an enacted state policy. You will want to choose a topic that has been in place long enough that you can find data to show how effective, efficient, and so forth it is. Use credible sources. This is not an opinion paper about a law.

In this 5-7 page analysis ( not including title page and reference pat) you should:

. Establish the brief history of the issue.

. Identify the major policy concepts and context.

. Identify the stakeholders.

. Review the development and implementation of the policy ( what was the policymaking process?).

. Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, fairness, ethics, feasibility, acceptability, unintended consequences, cost, and maintainability. This is the most important part of the analysis.

. Provide an analysis with recommendations for improving or modify the policy ( be sure to include your recommendations for adjustments, expansions, or alternatives). This is the most important part of the assignment.

. Situate your analysis in the contemporary policy literature.

Use the attached template.

Make sure you draw from the lessons and relevant APA journal. A list of good online journals is available in our online library. You should incorporate at least four peer reviewed journals sources.

Remember the content must be 5-7 page (excluding title page and references).

Use facts, not opinions, to show how your policy does or does not meet the criteria. Use your sources for these facts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Policy Analysis
Student Name
Course number – Course name
American Public University
When it comes to addressing the issue of climate change, California has always been on the frontline by enacting effective environmental protection policies. In 1970, this state passed a policy called the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (State of California, 2022). During this period, the federal government implemented the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to facilitate nationwide environmental protection. The CEQA requires all the public, private, local, and state agencies in California to adhere to the established protocol to mitigate adverse environmental consequences that might occur from proposed projects. Californians are entitled to adopt all feasible measures to prevent such impacts. As such, CEQA made environmental protection compulsory in decision-making processes for local and state agencies. The paper critically analyzes CEQA.
Major Policy Concepts and Context
The CEQA was formed in the context of environmental protection. The primary objective of implementing this policy was to ensure that all projects carried out in California do not pose detrimental effects on the environment. The major policy concepts are mitigation of environmental adverse consequences, allowing public participation in ensuring environment conservation and coming up with effective alternatives to reduce pollution. In that light, private and public agencies are entitled to be vigilant in protecting the environment.
Ronald Reagan signed the CEQA into law slightly after the NEPA was passed by the federal government. Indeed, the environmental protection policy was not formed to regulate land use, but it required all agencies in California to comply with set protocols to identify and prevent adverse environmental impacts from various projects. Notably, California has proved to have the most technically and institutionally competent environmental impact assessments (EIA) system (Loomis, Oliveira, & Dziedzic, 2021). Although the CEQA suffers from litigation abuse, it has enabled California to regulate projects that would have otherwise posed catastrophic environmental effects.
The CEQA requires all local and state agencies in California to enhance its advancement and compliance. Public and private agents must determine mitigation alternatives and measures by coming up with an environmental impact report. Only projects with feasible environmental mitigation measures or environmentally friendly alternatives are approved. The CEQA stakeholders are the state and local governments, public and private agencies, Californians, California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), and other parties involved in environmental protection in California. For instance, the CNRA promulgates the guidelines established by the CEQA to ensure local and state agencies' fully compliance.
The CEQA has proved to be effective and the most influential environmental policy in California. Based on the Public Resources Code Section 21065, a project has two primary requirements. First, it has a significant direct or indirect physical change in the environment. Second, a public agency must approve the deliberation or judgment before a permit to deny or approve is issued (Obraczka, Beyeler, Magrini, & Legey, 2017). The CEQA’s effectiveness is perceived by how the policy reduces or prevents adverse environmental effects. In addition, it informs the public and decision-makers about the potential effects of a project on the environment. The CEQA fosters interagency cooperation and discloses decisions made by public agencies before projects are implemented. Californians are allowed to participate in the decision-making processes, meaning that approved projects have fewer or no adverse consequences on the environment.
For over four decades, the CEQA has protected public rights and kept California’s environmental regulations strong in preventing land, water, and pollution (Obraczka, Beyeler, Magrini, & Legey, 2017). Specifically, it discloses to the public the potential environmental impacts that are likely to emanate from certain proposed projects. If a project is found to have numerous adverse consequences on the environment, mitigation measures or environmentally friendly alternatives are implemented. That way, there occurs minimal damage to the environment. The improved interagency coordination promotes active monitoring of the environment, which enhances its conservation. Due to public participation, no project with adverse environmental effects can occur in California without being scrutinized and effective mitigation measures implemented.
The CEQA is fair since it advocates environmental protection measures by involving all relevant stakeholders. The best thing about this policy is that it does not restrict Californians from implementing specific projects. Instead, it requires local and state agencies to ensure that only projects without adverse environmental effects are approved. If a project poses catastrophic environmental impacts, the CEQA requires mitigation measures to be implemented or environmentally friendly alternatives before it kicks off. Moreover, allowing the public to participate in the decision-making process is crucial to foster fairness since citizens are usually forgotten despite them being significant stakeholders in environmental protection.
The CEQA is ethical and ensures that Californians have a safe environment to promote their health statutes. California understands that the most significant thing is to preserve the environment to facilitate growth and development. For sure, environmental pollution is a significant problem that has contributed to global warming. The CEQA focuses on ensuring that proposed projects in California do not only have short-term financial gains but that they do not contribute to adverse long-term environmental consequences (Loveless & Linton, 2020). No privacy concerns or health issues are posed by the CEQA, making it ethical and crucial in environmental protection.
Notably, the CEQA is feasible and has been functioning effectively since its implementation in 1970. The policy requires local and...
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