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Budgeting in the Management of an Organization

Essay Instructions:

Now that you’ve completed your budget proposal, it’s important that you reflect on your research and practice. Reflection allows you to acknowledge your achievement and take note of opportunities for improvement in the future.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper reflecting on the budget proposal you created in Week 4, as well as on your research findings in this course. Address the following:
What are the key components of your budget proposal?
Could your proposal, as is, be implemented in the real world? Explain. If not, what steps would need to be taken to implement?
How would your identified “guardrails” for reporting ensure both accuracy and completeness in reporting? Would these same guardrails assist you with accountability to your budget? Explain.
How could your budget affect funding and public perception?
What inconsistencies or gaps do you anticipate if your budget were implemented? What steps could you take to overcome these issues?
How would you summarize your budget to convince the city council of its merit?
Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Budget Proposal Reflection
Budget Proposal Reflection
Budgeting is an important process in the management of an organization. Therefore, it is vital to have proper measures or policies to guarantee proper estimates and eliminate inconsistencies. The budget proposal was developed for a law enforcement agency with 2,700 workers and served a city of about 1.4 million people. There were diverse components of the budget proposal that were allocated funds based on the agency's specific needs. First, the budget included personnel expenses. This component comprises salary and wages, overtime, and fringe benefits and has $473 000 000. There was also a non-personal expense that was included in the proposal. This component entailed supplies, contracts, information technology, energy and utilities, other, capital expenditures, and non-discretionary. The total expense or budget allocation was $67 090 000. The total budget for the agency was a total of $540,090,000. The allocation was based on estimates of the salaries and costs of the identified items and allowances provided by the law enforcement agency's laws and policies.
After reviewing the proposal and comparing it with the actual expenses of a law enforcement agency, I believe that the budget can be implemented in the real world. This is because all the essential components required to manage a law enforcement agency successfully have been considered. There were also considerations for miscellaneous expenditures that might arise during the day-to-day running of the agency. It is worth noting that the budget might be too expensive in the real world, so there might be a need to amend the figures and offer more realistic aspects of it. Moreover, the budget is a bit extreme for the identified population and workforce size, which might provide challenges during the funding process.
The guardrails are usually intended to offer a mechanism for tracking costs and expenditure and evaluate whether appropriate actions are taken to limit the cost to the identified budget allocation. Therefore, my primary guardrails limit excess costs and transferability of funds across unallocated items. I will be restricting expenditures of every aspect to the identified budget size. If there are excess needs compared to the funds available, it would be appropriate to inform the Treasury to increase that particular allocation and allow proper management of the agency. Another aspect that would result from the guard rails is enhancing accountability. Being accountable and adhering to specified laws is vital in managing law enforcement agencies. There is a need to create measures that will ensure integrity, openness, and easy follow-up on any expenditure or purchase made in the organization. There is a need to formulate policies and create measures to support the proper use of funds and safeguard them from expenditure leakages that the funding institutions or budget committee have never authorized. Therefore, these guardrails will ensure an account-level setting that determines targets for each component within a particular period. Another key has resource-level measures to control unnecessary expenditure and guarantee accountability. Fund will be released after being approved by the authorized individuals within the organization. Therefore, these guardrails will also guarantee accountability and effective use of the allocated funds.
The budget is implementable and includes all important components required in managing a law enforcement agency. However, ...
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