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The Rational Decision-making Model

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on decision making. In your paper, include the following:
Explain the rational decision-making model.
Discuss dealing with biases and errors in decision making
Analyze how individual differences and organizational constraints affect decision making
Identify ethical considerations in decision-making.
Provide examples to support your points in the paper. (Make it personal, "I statements")
Include at least two peer-reviewed references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Decision Making Paper
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Decision Making Paper
The rational decision-making model refers to a systematic process of arriving at the best decision. It is largely the opposite of intuitive thinking, for it endeavors to use facts and analysis of the information at the core of its structure. Rational decision-making follows specific fundamental steps to ensure that the decision made is the soundest (Fisher, 2022). The following are some of the steps used to ensure the validity of a decision. The first step is often to understand the issue for which a decision must be made. The scope of the issue must be well analyzed. The second step is carrying out relevant research on the best way to deal with the issues identified within the scope. After carrying out proper research, the third step is often listing the available choices. The options available should be analyzed carefully so that the best is selected. The other step is implementing the option chosen. Another key step of the rational decision-making plan is to ensure a backup plan if there are issues with the selected plan. As seen from the observations above, rational decision-making does away with the intuitive decision-making method. Instead, it focuses on using factual information to arrive at the best possible choices.
There are several ways to do away with biases and errors in the process of decision-making. There following are some of the ways that I have found to be particularly helpful. The first method is choosing to go against the inclinations oneself. This method allows an individual to consider the opposing view and collect appropriate data to determine the feasibility of the view. Consequently, it becomes possible to overcome cognitive bias since a comparison of the opposite view, and the ensuing view is done to arrive at the best. The other way to avoid errors and biases is to seek the perspectives of several quarters. Multiple perspectives help in arriving at the best-suited decision. I have found this method particularly helpful as it allows one to overcome unforeseen problematic issues. The other method is to reflect on the past. There are past decision-making tips that may have been good while others may have been otherwise. The key is to ensure the good and avoid bias.
Individual differences and organizational constraints significantly affect the process of decision-making. Most of the time, such factors hurt the process of decision-making...
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