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Basis for Victimization and the Prevalence of Law Against Hate Crimes

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis in which you do the following:

1. Provide a brief description as to what specific factors serve as the basis for victimization; for example, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

2. Identify applicable specific case examples.

3. Discuss the prevalence of state laws that criminalize various types of hate crimes.

4. Describe how you would collect data to measure the victimization of your chosen group. Provide a rationale for your choice.

5. Identify which of the criminological theories discussed in the course explain the victimization of this individual, group, or population. Provide a rationale for the selection.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Hate Crimes Analysis
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Hate Crimes Analysis
Victimization is highly attributed to factors such as race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, and religion. African Americans are one of the common races that face victimization in different aspects of life. For instance, this group is considered to have a high prevalence of theft. Therefore, people from other racial origins would victimize them for stealing or showing the intention to steal. Muslims are often victimized due to their religion. People have a common misconception that all Muslims are terrorists. This has resulted in them being treated differently from other people in different parts of the world. Whenever a terrorist action is suspected to happen, the Muslims in the specific areas are always the first suspects. Such indicates the extent to which people are willing to victimize Muslims due to their religion. Sexual orientation is also a factor that facilitates victimization. The common causes of victimization affect transgender and homosexual individuals.
A common case of victimization is police brutality against African Americans. The African Americans have been labeled as thieves, and therefore, the police have a misconception that every black person intends to steal or deal drugs. Cases have been documented where the blacks have been shot to death without being subjected to the justice system (Graham et al., 2020). The matter has become a current debate issue due to the high number of police shootings involving African Americans.
Hate crimes are associated with stereotyping and discrimination. These crimes are very common among different in different parts of the world. Therefore, many hate crimes laws have been made to prevent people from being victimized. Hate crimes occur when prejudice occurs against people of different racial origins. In most cases, these victims might not get justice because they are used to being victimized. Therefore, laws have been made to help people seek justice whenever they have been victimized due to their racial origin or skin color. In the United States of America, hate crime laws have been set to prevent or reduce the rate at which people victimize others (Morgan & Kena, 2019). These hate crime laws range from federal to state laws. The US state of criminal justice has been permitted to collect and publish statistics regarding hate crimes. Such indicates the prevalence of the laws against hate crimes. The state laws might vary from one state to the other. Still, they allow the prosecution of individuals who victimize others based on skin color, religion, sexual orientation, and race.
The chosen victimization group is African Americans....
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