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Arguments Against the Current Prison Systems

Essay Instructions:

Argue against our current prison system. Consider racism, recidivism, and other possible options such as rehabilitation for nonviolent criminals. If you see one, offer an alternative to our current system.
5 sources appropriate for an academic research essay
• (200 words at least per source)
• A title (not Annotated Bibliography)
• You may use the first person singular (“I,” “me,” etc.)
• Do not use “you”
• Adhere to MLA / APA / Chicago (whatever citation style is common to your field)
• Appropriate vocabulary and grammar

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Arguments Against the Current Prison Systems
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Arguments Against the Current Prison Systems
Hagler, J. (2015, May 28). 8 facts you should know about the criminal justice system and people of color. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from /issues/race/news/2015/05/28/113436/8-facts-you-should-know-about-the-criminal-justice-system-and-people-of-color/.
Jamal Hagler begins by saying that the United States of America’s (USA’s) criminal justice system is no longer reliable. Some individuals from the minority groups, such as Latinos and African Americans, are unfairly targeted by cops. When suspects from these demographics are arrested, they face harsher jail sentences or punishments than their white counterparts. People of color make up over 60% of prisoners in the USA prison system.
Hagler’s article is crucial to my study since it shows how racism adversely affects the American prison system. In reality, people from the minority groups, such as Latinos and African Americans, are mistreated during arrest and usually given harsher punishment than white individuals.
ITPI.org, (2016). How private prison companies increase recidivism. Retrieved from /wp-content/uploads/ITPI-Recidivism-ResearchBrief-June2016.pdf.
The article shows how prison systems have become profitable businesses, such that many individuals arrested are likely to be re-arrested after a short period. Based on a study by the USA Department of Justice (DOJ), around 50% of incarcerated individuals go back to prison within three years after their release. When prisoners finish their sentences, they are not well-prepared to re-integrate into society. As such, many of them feel comfortable behind bars.
Specifically, this article is crucial in my study since it shows that recidivism is a problem created by the prison system to maximize profits due to the increasing number of arrests and jail sentences. Consequently, prison systems need reform to eliminate recidivism.
Legislative Analyst’s Office, (2017). Improving in-prison rehabilitation programs. Retrieved from https://lao.ca.gov/Publications/Report/3720.
Every year, the USA prison system releases thousands of law offenders into society after completing their sentences. Only a few prisons have implemented programs to help prisoners learn how to reintegrate into their communities. According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), rehabilitation programs are essential in preparing individuals psychologically and physically how to behave when they are released from prison.
The article is vital since it shows why correctional facilities are not the best places for the rehabilitation of nonviolent criminals. Besides, some prisoners want mental assistance for them to reform and become constructive people in society. However, mental health attentio...
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