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Bullying in School and its Present and Future Consequences

Essay Instructions:

This week, one of the special victim populations we covered were victims of violence in schools. Based on the materials in your book and notes, explain bullying. Why is it a problem in schools & how does it contribute to the crime problem (present and future consequences)? Note: are you able to support your findings with statistics?

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Violence in Schools
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Violence in Schools
Bullying is a subcategory of interpersonal aggression anchored on repetition, intentionality, and a power imbalance, with power abuse being the critical distinction between bullying and other kinds of aggression. In addition, it is an unwarranted aggressive behavior by another group of youth or youth not from the same family or current intimate partners that entails a perceived or observed power imbalance. It recurs many times or is likely to be recurrent. Bullying could cause distress or harm the targeted person, including social, physical, psychological, or educational detriment. It could include aggressive verbal conduct (e.g., teasing, name-calling), physical (e.g., tripping, hitting), or social/relational (e.g., spreading rumors). A young individual could be a victim or the perpetrator, or both (also referred to as “bully/victim”) (U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 2016). Accordingly, the definition of bullying entails four key characteristics: (a) the behavior is harmful and means, (b) the behavior is repeated, ongoing, and persistent, (c) the behavior is executed on purpose to cause harm, distress, or fear to another individual, and (d) there is the actual or perceived power imbalance between the victim and the perpetrator (The Education Hub, 2019).
Bullying is a problem in schools as it results in both adverse educational and health consequences. Children who are constant victims of bullying are more susceptible to feeling like an outsider at the learning institution than those not bullied frequently. In OECD nations, 42 percent of the frequently bullied children reported feeling like an outsider at the learning facility compared to 15 percent of those not bullied frequently (Attawell, 2019). Being bullied could also impact continued engagement in learning. Statistics indicate that nearly 45 percent of learners frequently bullied, versus 35 percent of those not bullied frequently, were inclined to leave formal learning after completing high scho...
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