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IT & Computer Science
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Week 7 Discussion: IT and Computer Science

Essay Instructions:

Please place answer right under each question.

1. What key global and international influences in incident response? How can they best be handled?
2. Describe a situation where a global or international incident response situation occurred where the risk was not managed appropriately. What lessons can be learned?
3. How can the risk from malware threats best be managed in a corporate setting? What role might international considerations play?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
IT and Computer Science Name Institution Affiliation 1 What are the key global and international influences in incident response? How can they best be handled? The internet is a core infrastructure on which networked information systems run. Protection of information assets is a complex affair because of vulnerabilities through illegal attacks and unauthorized access to critical information. Internet data is prone to interception and misuse by malicious users. Internationally, critical IT infrastructure protection faces challenges of control because malicious attackers are global in nature. Furthermore, there exist legal restrictions which impede enforcement of information security laws against security intrusion such as occurrence of incidents in geographically dispersed legal jurisdictions (West-Brown & Kossakowski, 1999). The best way to handle these challenges is to share information technology security risk so as to prompt shared responsibility for IT assets. Intruders often work remotely provided there is internet access, making their apprehension complicated. Incident response should involve IT practitioners, technology experts, governments, policy making and law enforcement agencies to formulate a common approach that is practically effective. 2 International incident response situation occurred where the risk was not managed appropriately. What lessons can be learned? Equifax, one of the largest credit bureaus in the USA was hacked and lost important information belonging to almost 143 million people, almost half of the US population because it failed to implement critical information security measures. This breach of information security exposed the national security of the US government because the corporate organization houses the most intimate details of many Americans from their credit cards (Wang & Johnson, 2018). The organization operates under minimal oversight from the federal government and its executives who were responsible for the brea...
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