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Security of IP Routing Protocols

Essay Instructions:

Before you complete your initial post, read Section 1.2 in this document: Security of IP Routing Protocols. In your post, analyze this question from the document: “If these companies had such a hard time getting it perfect, what chance does anyone else have?” Although this was written in 2001, many of the identified exploits still exist. If money hasn’t been the solution, what is? Justify a possible solution. Include network security and IP routing and configuration in your discussion.

In response to your peers, connect their solutions to the application of the CIA triad or fundamental design principles. For reference, refer to the CIA Triad and Fundamental Security Design Principles document.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

** Note I have attached the Rubric and the Security of IP routing protocols.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Security of IP Routing Protocols Name Institution Security of IP Routing Protocols Data security and cyber-attacks are now more common terms than just hacking as it was a decade ago. There individuals who find it fun and it is more of a hobby to bypass companies, organizations, or personal systems. Some do it as a source of livelihood where they will steal information and hold people hostage with it for money or use it for committing a crime with different identities. Because these companies are increasingly improving on the technology for protection but so are these individuals. In contrast to what normal business entrepreneur believe in, that is the more you invest in your company the more you are likely to gain, in this sector there more than money investment. One of the popular problem existing is the use of insecure or week protocols to launch or exploit other attacks within a network. Generally, the main obvious steps to prevent security problems would be to...
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