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1 pages/≈275 words
IT & Computer Science
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Security Concerns & DNS Implementations

Essay Instructions:

For your initial post, discuss a potential consideration associated with the use of DNS. Frame your consideration in terms of potential impacts to network architecture, organizational security, or technology management. Consider the following DNS-related topics as the focus for your post:

Zones: resource record types and/or zone transfers

Zones: master (primary) zone versus slave (secondary) zones

Public DNS versus private DNS versus split DNS

DNS-related vulnerabilities: man-in-the-middle attacks, DNS cache poisoning/DNS spoofing, Kaminsky DNS vulnerability, dynamic DNS update vulnerabilities, or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks

Static DNS versus dynamic DNS (DDNS)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Security Concerns & DNS Implementations Name Institution DNS contains the database of public IP addresses and the host names associated. It is described and observed to be one of the greatest accomplishment in the last three decades to have driven the World Wide Web. There are numerous reasons to consider DNS: it one of the systems that allow an individual to browse the internet. Without it, the internet would not exist. It does not memorize IP addresses. They have a fast internet connection. However, related to our topic DNS is a great and important component of the security for both work and home internet. The DNS serves which are developed to provide security have the ability to block and thwart any attempts to infiltrate and entry of machines. However, for this to be effective the word use is enhanced. Thus, there are security measures required first to protect data. T...
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