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Networking Options. Examine the business’s issues to determine network requirements

Essay Instructions:

Overview: Basic knowledge of computers is practically essential for productively engaging in twenty-first-century life. Working knowledge of computer platform technologies impacts everyone from help desk personnel and field technicians to project managers and business executives. In order to make sound business decisions, one must have the ability to analyze business needs and compare available computer technology options for effectively meeting those needs.

Scenario: You have been hired as an IT consultant by an entrepreneur starting a small advertising company called MilleniAds. As a start-up, your client’s company is relatively small and has a limited budget. There are only 10 employees, including a few creative directors, graphic designers, sales staff, a financial accountant, and an office administrator, with the entrepreneur acting as CEO. The current IT budget cannot exceed $25,000 and ideally should come in as far under that number as possible. MilleniAds will produce customized sales flyers, brochures, and other branded items, such as letterhead and business cards, that apply a youthful, fresh perspective targeting millennial demographics. Therefore, the company needs the ability to store and manipulate digital images and to produce physical copies of their products for their clients. The CEO wants to keep track of inventory, sales, and expenses digitally, but she does not anticipate having very complex records for the first year. She projects having only a dozen or so accounts but hopes to scale up in the coming years. It would be ideal to have a simple and user-friendly system for sharing information and files between employees. Many of the employees are millennials themselves who have indicated that their current desktop PCs are limiting their capabilities and that they prefer using their phones and other mobile devices for their professional and personal responsibilities. Two of the 10 employees will operate primarily outside of the office, soliciting business from regional firms, and they will need to access company information while on the road, in their home offices, and at customer sites.

Beyond the specific information given above, you have the ability to fill in the gaps with assumptions or additional details that will make your final project unique and meaningful to you. If you have any questions, reach out to your instructor for guidance.

Prompt: Given the scenario above, what are the best hardware, software, networking, and information security options for addressing your client’s business needs?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

IV. Networking Options A. Examine the business’s issues to determine network requirements. Illustrate your response with specific examples. For example, to what extent should there be access inside the business for mobile devices and remote personnel? B. Then, compare and contrast the options for meeting the requirements. Be sure to cite specific evidence that supports your conclusions. How would you ensure security of information over the network? Which type of network connection is preferable? C. Make final recommendations for network solutions based on your evaluation of the options. Be sure to logically justify your proposal as the best possible choice for meeting the business requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Networking Options
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From this scenario, it is evident that as a startup, MilleniAds is relatively small (with only 10 employees) and has a limited budget. There are only a few graphic designers, one financial accountant, an office administrator, some creative directors and an entrepreneur who is also performing the duties of a CEO. Another problem of the company is that the IT budget is limited, meaning MilleniAds cannot afford to spend more than $25,000 in IT-related products, tools or services. I think that it is important for the company to choose the right kind of IT equipment or networking options, irrespective of its budget.
For MilleniAds, wireless connectivity deems to be the most suitable option, and they might like to try LAN or Peer-to-Peer depending on their requirements. As a startup, MilleniAds should pay utmost attention to the network security both logically and physically, and their salespeople might need remote connectivity during travel. Software, money, time and hardware are the most important options they should take care of.
To begin with, a LAN will allow the company’s employees to use the internet without any major issues, and their activities can be monitored on a regular basis through the main computer system (Moran, 2013). It is a cheap yet effective way to stay connected to the internet. It should be noticed that wireless connectivity is essential when different devices have to be connected to a single network, such as laptops, cell phones, and printers.
On the other hand, Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking or computing is a specific type of distributed...
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