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MilleniAds: Maintenance and Security

Essay Instructions:

Basic knowledge of computers is practically essential for productively engaging in twenty-first-century life. Working knowledge of computer platform technologies impacts everyone from help desk personnel and field technicians to project managers and business executives. In order to make sound business decisions, one must have the ability to analyze business needs and compare available computer technology options for effectively meeting those needs.

In this final project, you will assume the role of a tech consultant hired by an entrepreneur trying to start a small business. As a part of opening her business, she needs help identifying the business’s information technology needs, weighing options for meeting those needs, and making final decisions that, together, create a sound IT infrastructure for her small business. The major areas for evaluation and selection include hardware components, software applications, networking options, and information security. This document contains a table that will help you find the resources needed to address each critical element successfully; this table is located below the critical elements of the final project. Your decision-making process and specific selections will come together in a final IT Consultation Report.

This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

Assess common hardware and software issues by logically applying fundamental IT tools and methods  Determine basic hardware and software options that meet general technology needs for organizations  Illustrate appropriate network and multi-user operating system methods that support key business objectives  Identify information security procedures that reflect best practices for managing access and reducing risk to digital information stores

Scenario: You have been hired as an IT consultant by an entrepreneur starting a small advertising company called MilleniAds. As a start-up, your client’s company is relatively small and has a limited budget. There are only 10 employees, including a few creative directors, graphic designers, sales staff, a financial accountant, and an office administrator, with the entrepreneur acting as CEO. The current IT budget cannot exceed $25,000 and ideally should come in as far under that number as possible. MilleniAds will produce customized sales flyers, brochures, and other branded items, such as letterhead and business cards, that apply a youthful, fresh perspective targeting millennial demographics. Therefore, the company needs the ability to store and manipulate digital images and to produce physical copies of their products for their clients. The CEO wants to keep track of inventory, sales, and expenses digitally, but she does not anticipate having very complex records for the first year. She projects having only a dozen or so accounts but hopes to scale up in the coming years. It would be ideal to have a simple and user-friendly system for sharing information and files between employees. Many of the employees are millennials themselves who have indicated that their current desktop PCs are limiting their capabilities and that they prefer using their phones and other mobile devices for their professional and personal responsibilities. Two of the ten employees will operate primarily outside of the office, soliciting business from regional firms, and they will need to access company information while on the road, in their home offices, and at customer sites.

Beyond the specific information given above, you have the ability to fill in the gaps with assumptions or additional details that will make your final project unique and meaningful to you. If you have any questions, reach out to your instructor for guidance, and use the milestone assignments to ensure that you are completing your project within reasonable parameters for the course. Maintenance and Security A. Interpret the business’s needs to determine specific information regarding security requirements. Illustrate your response with specific examples. To what extent should unauthorized individuals be prevented from making changes, copying, or deleting files or data on the system? Is there sensitive data for which access must be controlled? What sort of information should be backed up? B. Then, compare and contrast the options for managing user access to company information. Evaluate each option for its strengths and weaknesses, citing specific evidence that supports your conclusions. Is there a need to have password setups for files? What type of naming conventions should the client use for files and directories? Should individual computer accounts be created? Should everyone have read access to all files? C. Finally, compare and contrast the options for backing up and storing information, including how often to back up information, storage location, and who should have access to backing up the data. Evaluate each option for its strengths and weaknesses, citing specific evidence that supports your evaluation.

VI. Future Considerations: Imagine that your client may need to add a new branch or otherwise scale up her business. How would that change your hardware and software recommendations? Illustrate your response with specific examples and evidence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
MilleniAds Author Name Institution Affiliation The Business Needs From this case study, it is evident that MilleniAds is a relatively new advertising company, with only ten employees including several graphic designers, one financial accountant, sales staff, an office administrator and creative directors. The company’s entrepreneur is also serving as the CEO. Currently, the IT budget of MilleniAds $25,000, and in the meantime, the company aims to produce high-quality brochures, customized sales flyers and branded items like business cards and Leatherheads. I think that the budget of the company is limited and that MilleniAds may not be able to appeal to a large number of customers given that they cannot buy world’s best hardware and software needed to create friendly products. Two of the company’s employees are operating outside the office, and the CEO should accommodate them in the best possible ways. The one security concern that the CEO needs to pay attention to is that employees working outside the office should not share confidential information with anyone, at any cost (Chemuturi, 2018). In addition, unauthorized or unknown people should be kept from accessing the company’s data. For this purpose, they need to be provided with separate computer systems and should not be permitted to access or delete important files. The details of customers and employees should be protected or backed up. The CEO of the company can have a backup system or may try Google Docs in which all official files, customer details, and employees data can be saved. One of the core benefits of Google Docs is that the software can be accessed from any computer system, mobile device or another digital device, and there are no chances of data theft until or unless the files are shared with the third party. Compare and Contrast Different Options of Managing User Access to Company Information In order to manage user access to company information, the first suitable option for MilleniAds is IAM. This is a specific type of web service that ensures the protection of resources and restricts access for several users. One of the core features of IAM (identify access management) is that it provides users with special usernames and passwords, which are required to be inserted into the system before a file or a collection of files is accessed. MilleniAds would have to give access to its employees based on their roles and departments etc. Another good option f...
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