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Types of Firewalls

Essay Instructions:

Information Security Management Course Work

Case Project : Network Firewall Comparison

Use the Internet to identify three network firewalls, and create a chart that compares their features. Note if they are rule-based or application-aware, perform stateless or stateful packet filtering, what additional features they include (IDS, content filtering, etc.), their costs, etc. Which would you recommend? Why? One page only is needed.

Do your own work and make sure you answer all the questions.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Types of Firewalls
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Types of Firewalls
The right network firewall will depend on the circumstances that necessitate its use. As such, the features of the firewall and how it operates to protect a network can determine the right firewall to use. Some of the typical firewall features that will determine a buyer's choice include the technical capability of the firewall. Precisely, the kind of traffic inspection necessary within an organization can determine a firewall's suitability in the network.
The similarities in the features of diverse firewalls connote the challenge of finding the single most suitable for any given network. As such, understanding diverse firewalls and their features will help determine the most suitable for any given network (Simic, 2020). Consequently, the table below illustrates the features of diverse firewalls. The identified distinctive features will help establish the commendable network.
Comparing Different Types of Firewalls
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