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Information Security Management: Attacks on wireless devices

Essay Instructions:

Information Security Management Course Work

Case Project : Wireless Peripheral Attacks

Attacks on wireless mice and keyboards are not uncommon. Use the Internet to research these attacks.

1.How do the attacks occur? 2.What is the vulnerability that is exploited? 3. How can vendors of these products secure them?

Write a one-page paper on your research.

Do your own work and make sure you answer all the questions.

It will submit on the Turnitin.

Submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Security Management
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Information Security Management
Attacks on wireless devices such as mice and keyboards have become very easy over the past decades. People have found new ways of hacking and manipulating different systems, which allows them to hack these devices (Kovacs, 2016). The hackers control the victim's mouse and keyboards using a USB dongle and a few lines of coding using the python language.
The keyboard strokes are encrypted as a way of preventing sniffing by hackers and any other unauthorized personnel. However, the disadvantage is that the mouse's movements are not encrypted, making the hack easy. The two most common hacks involve eavesdropping and keystroke injection. Eavesdropping allows the hacker to gain ...
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