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3 pages/≈825 words
IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Best Practices in Project Management

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay describing 10 project management best practices, one for each knowledge area. Among the 10 best practices:

At least five should be from your wider research, outside of the textbook.

At least five should be related to best practices that facilitate, support, or improve teamwork.

For each best practice, determine the process group to which the best practice belongs and elaborate on its use.

The existence of best practices does not guarantee their use, as you can understand from the conference paper titled “The Non-adoption of Best/Accepted/Promising Practices in Projects (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.”. Include a section in your essay with recommendations for improving the adoption of project management best practices in an organization.


Compose your work using Microsoft Word.

The essay must be at least 900 words (about 3 pages) long.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spacing.

Justify the right margins.

Organize your writing in sections with section headings.

Format section headings using Microsoft Word’s “Heading” functions.

Support the write-up with at least five additional sources as references.

Insert cover page and reference pages(s).

Cite and list references in correct APA style.

An introduction to project Management Fifth edition by Kathy Scwalbe.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Best Practices in Project Management
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Best Practices in Project Management
A project can be defined as a one-time activity that is meant to achieve or produce a specific output or outcome. Project management broadly refers to the process of planning, managing, and organizing efforts to accomplish a project. The process involves the development of a project plan, the definition of the project objectives and goals, identific...
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