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Analysis of Marxism and the Emancipation of Women Internet Site

Essay Instructions:

I am due on DEC.18th, Can you pleases finish before that day? Also I want my essay can be 90%-100% marks cause it worth half of my final exam marks. Thank you so much!

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Analysis of Media Text: Internet Site
Analysis of Media Text: Internet Site
This paper takes a critical analysis of an internet site Marxism and the emancipation of women which gives an insight into what women have achieved against the oppression of capitalism. It is a relevant and significant media for analysis because Marxism acts as the driving force of women to resist oppression and capitalism against them. As a result, women attain emancipation.
Moreover, the internet page by Muñoz & Woods (2000) is in the forefront to outline steps that Marxist used to exhibit women's rights and the relevance of their successful revolution for the women liberation. Besides, the authors of this paper have made tremendous contributions in digging deeper into conditions of women both in advanced and third world countries. The media did not just end at highlighting plights of women under oppression and capitalism, but also went ahead to suggest possible steps and methods of eliminating inequality that exists between men and women. The internet site Marxism and the emancipation of women is a vital tool that has shaped the capitalist and third world society towards achieving women liberalization in socioeconomic and cultural quarters.
Analysis of Marxism and the Emancipation of Women Internet Site
The details of the media page Marxism and the emancipation of women reveal that capitalism is a crisis that mainly weighs heavily on the shoulders of youth and women in particular. This assertion can be useful towards arriving at amicable solution towards the liberation of the affected groups. This is because the relevant authorities would always have a starting point they already know where to start from. It was a crisis as stated by Marxism that women exploitation would produce massive profits to the capitalists. Such a move in the 19th century was dehumanizing and enslaving women because it was unfair for them to become a soft target for individuals who were led by the selfishness of amassing wealth. Besides, the internet page also states that women who were lucky to be employed by the capitalists received lower wages compared to those given to their male counterparts. This was another gender-based element of exploitation. People subjected to the same working environment to perform similar tasks should have access to equal working terms and conditions. This means that capitalism only views women as a source of providing cheap or free labour as they continue to realize supernormal profits. To worsen the situation, Marxist alluded that the same capitalists would make women the first target to be discarded when the need for extensive labour disappeared. Generally, such conditions would put women in unfair situations of job insecurity.
It is exciting to realize that Marxism has liberated women in some ways. Contrary to what the media Marxism and the emancipation of women assert, roles of women have changed. Initially, they the capitalist society conditioned men to politically inert, passive and unorganized. This provided a social foundation upon which women have over time reacted towards becoming liberalized. In the advanced capitalist countries, women are becoming enlightened and dependable in various fields. This achievement is becoming real because of Marxism efforts to shed light and bring it into light that women are equal humans who deserve not only respect but also dignity and good representation in political, socia...
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