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Assignments World War I History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

In the period from Reconstruction to World War I workers mobilized like never before. They formed unions, effectively used the strike to improve wages and working conditions, and shifted the political economy of the United States through their activism and embrace of some radical ideas. What do you think is the most important legacy of this period?

Respond to the above question with an analytical essay of roughly 500 words (about 2 pages).

This should be a short, perspective piece. This is not a formal essay, more a way for you to think through the period and reflect on influences that you may (or may not) see in today's U.S. society. You do not need to use direct quotes. You must cite all your sources. You cannot use sources from outside of this course material.

Essays should be double-spaced, with Times new Roman, 12-point font. Your name should be inside the page header. The page number should be inside the page footer. Use parenthetical citations for references (Rosenzweig & Lichtenstein, ##). Title should be at the 1-inch mark.

Short Essay Rubic:

Thesis 20.0 pts; Organization 10.0 pts; Content 10.0 pts; Mechanics 5.0 pts; Grammar & Style 5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

During the Reconstruction period to World War I, workers’ activities led to creating a reformed vision among activists. The end of the civil war introduced an era of industrial growth for the American economy (Clark et al., 2020). Through the expansion of the railroad, increased import tariffs, land grants, and federal loans, America welcomed a new economic growth era. However, the experience of industrialization in America depended on an individual’s social class, ethnicity, and region. During this period, several laws were passed to benefit the industrial growth of America. These legal laws favored a specific social class and led to the enrichment of these individuals. However, with an increase in opportunities, ordinary people in America were subjected to poor housing conditions. Class conflict was a primary factor that led to resistance among the working class. Several reformists’ ideas were introduced to establish order. With the prevailing notion of industrial capitalism, Americans disagreed on the Implications of social order. Social and economic activists tackled the problems associated with the new order. They gathered and protested against harsh labor, inadequate security, poor housing conditions, and poor sanitation. The role of women towards progressivism was essential in tackling non-political issues such as health and morality, which overlooked.
During the period of Reconstruction to World War I, the most important legacy was the establishment of social settlements and municipal housekeeping in working-class neighborhoods. The purpose of these establishments by women of the middle and upper class was to ease m...
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