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The History Of Business Ethics And Stakeholder Theory In America Essay

Essay Instructions:

Business Ethics and Stakeholder Management:

For your SLP this session you will be asked to review articles on business ethics from the Trident Online Library. You will review one or more articles each in Modules 1 through 4 dealing with different ethical concepts.

In this SLP we will be reviewing articles that cover the concept of stakeholder management. Stakeholders are important to consider in significant business related decisions. This is because organizational decisions – especially substantial decisions involving significant resource allocations/re-allocations – tend to impact various stakeholder groups as you will be reminded in your reading. These stakeholders may have the power to impact the organization’s success.

Assignment Instructions:

In this assignment you will be asked to apply stakeholder management theory to the following scenario:

A public corporation of 980 employees manufactures a popular brand of garments (mostly jeans) that are primarily made and sold in America nation-wide. It has a large contingent of employees in several small rural communities in the Eastern US and is the primary employer in all of those communities. Two of its 5 shops are unionized, but the union and management have a good working relationship. The company has traditionally marketed its clothing line as “Made in the USA” and attracted a bit of a “cult like” following as a result, but an outside consulting firm has suggested that significantly greater profits are possible if a different strategy is employed. The corporation is subsequently considering whether to off-shore its manufacturing facilities to a poor nation to save money on labor. It would also discretely discontinue its “Made in the USA” marketing ads and hopefully ride the wave of its previous marketing campaigns for a while. It is estimated that total cost per unit of production will be decreased by one third which equates to tens of millions of dollars.

Please write a 2-3 page paper in which you respond to the following:

1. Provide a paragraph summarizing the concept of stakeholder management based on your readings.

2. How do you think the following stakeholder groups in the above scenario will be impacted?

- Employees/unions

- Communities

- Stockholders

3. What would you recommend the employer described above should do?

SLP Assignment Expectations:

Your 2-3 (or more) page paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stakeholder Management
Student’s Name
Stakeholder Management
Organizations are characterized by different stakeholders who play a role in the success or failure of the organization. To achieve the former, organizations have to establish and meet the needs of all these stakeholders (Aderibigbe & Fragouli, 2020). Stakeholders, in this case, include any person/ group of people who are affected by the actions of the organization or who influence the success of the organization. According to Aderibigbe and Fragouli (2020), stakeholders do not influence the organization the same way and their needs can be contradicting, at times. This is where stakeholder management comes in. Stakeholder management entails building and maintaining effective relationships with stakeholders by engaging them in various levels of decision-making (Lehtinen, Aaltonen, & Rajala, 2018). It involves identifying the different stakeholders that are instrumental to the organization's success, determining what their key needs are, and establishing strategies to meet these needs. It is about managing and directing the interaction between the business and various stakeholders, such as suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities, and others, to create value for the business (Freeman, 2017). Organizations need to have a stakeholder management plan to guide them on how to effectively engage stakeholders and improve the business-stakeholders’ relationship. Stakeholder management ensures that the organization can develop a competitive advantage and improve its bottom line (Laplume, Walker, Zhang, & Yu, 2020). This is especially important at a time when companies are working towards achieving the triple bottom line for business sustainability.
In the case scenario, various stakeholders will be impacted by the company’s decision to off-shore its manufacturing facilities to a developing nation to reduce labor costs. The following is a short description of how employees/ unions, communities, and stockholders will be impacted:
* Employees/ unions
One of the key effects that this decision might have on employees is that it will negatively affect their wages. Moving to poor nations means that the company is looking to cut on its labor costs. As revealed by Wolszczak-Derlacz and Parteka (2016), offshoring negatively impacts the wages of employees in the home country. Normally, the wages in developed countries are higher than those in developing countries. When companies decide to offshore to developing countries, they are directly putting downward pressure on the developed countries’ wages. Employees might be forced to accept lower wages to keep their jobs. Also, this decision will reduce employment opportunities. The company might need to lay-off some employees in favor of the cheap workforce in a poor country. This will not sit well with the employees and their unions. Further, if some of the employees have to be relocated to the poor nation, they might demand a better compensation package for hardships in the poor nation, which will put a strain on the relationship between the company and the union.
* Communities
The loss of employment opportunities will not only be felt by the current employees but also by potential employees in the communities around where the company operates. The local communities benefit from the company when there is a demand for casual or temporary labor. However, when the manufacturing facilities are re-located to a low-wage country, these opportunities will no longer be available for the communities. Also, local communities are part of the stakeholders that companies need to manage. These local communities benefit from the corporate resources that organizations contribute as part of their corporate social...
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