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1828 US election History Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

The campaign of 1828 was unlike any other that had come before it. For the first time electors in most states were chosen by popular vote. The electorate had been expanded so that there was universal suffrage among white males.

Suppose you had lived during the time period of the 1828 election. Would you have voted for Andrew Jackson?

(50 points)

Write a well-constructed essay supporting either Andrew Jackson or the re-election of John Quincy Adams.

Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:

Determine your position and plan your essay by listing the reasons for it.

Be sure you back up your position with clearly stated reasons. Use at least one primary source.

Read your essay aloud to be sure that it makes sense.

Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The 1828 Presidential Election
The 1828 presidential election was one of the most significant ones ever in the history of the U.S. For the very first time, the people realized that it was their democratic and political right to choose whoever they wanted to lead them. This resulted in a very high voter turnout as people realized this was the same as the opportunity to make a change. They had experienced quite a lot under the stewardship of John Quincy, who seemed to have centralized power within the presidency, without necessarily making the people feel it. On th forefront was Andrew Jackson, who believed that the aristocratic way of leadership was long gone and it was time for the people to have more say in matters administration.
The 1828 presidential election was one of the dirtiest ever to the extent that Jackson believed that his wife had died due to elements of immorality. During the campaign, Jackson's numerous actions as a military general were brought up. For instance, the incidence where Jackson had court-martialed and executed some soldiers was widely used by the opposition. Similarly, Jackson’s marriage was criticized because his wife had not finalized the divorce proceedings of her earlier marriage. However, in December, Jackson defeated Adams with a count of 178 to 83 electoral votes. If I lived during the 1828 presidential election, I would have voted for Andrew Jackson because of several reasons.
First, in the 1824 presidential election, Jackson lost the Electoral College but won the popular vote. Adams took office using undemocratic means after Henry Clay, who finished fourth, added his electoral votes to Adam...
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