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World War II and the Cold War

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the events that led to the start of the Second World War. What nations were involved and why? How did this staggering period of incredible human suffering come about? What common ideas united the nations on each side of this terrible war? What are some of the results of this war on world politics and economics?

A noteworthy strategy aimed at improving the position of the US and her allies was the concept of Triangular Diplomacy. Discuss this fascinating idea of international relations. How does this strategy work? Who is involved? What were the long term results of this tactic?

In the aftermath of WWII most of Europe was in physical and economic disarray while The United States and the Soviet Union were in relatively good positions. These two super powers set off on a road of brinksmanship that would last for nearly 50 years. What led to this “Cold War”? Discuss the foreign policy moves that were involved in this period. How did the concept of a “proxy war” fit into the cold war? Give an example of this phenomenon.

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World War II Discussion
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World War II Discussion
International relations are a complicated and ever-changing topic that studies countries, governments, and other global entities. Diplomacy, foreign policy, war, and conflict resolution are covered. Today's global economy, politics, and society need an understanding of international relations. This demands a profound grasp of international relations, particularly World War II, the Cold War, and their effects on global politics and the economy. It is crucial to examine the origins and effects of critical geopolitical events and methods, such as Triangular Diplomacy and proxy wars, that continue to impact the globe today. These issues may help us comprehend international relations and 21st-century global government.
On September 2, 1939, Great Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany in response to Germany's invasion of Poland the day before. Most of the world's nations were involved in World War II, choosing between the Axis powers (dominated by Germany, Japan, and Italy) and the Allies (led by Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States). The chain of circumstances that eventually led to war was long and convoluted. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, and the terrible reparations imposed on Germany were major contributors (Cook, 2019). Because of this, Germany's economy and government were unstable, and the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler took advantage of the situation. The invasion of Poland directly resulted from Hitler's aggressive foreign policy, which also included the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Britain and France's appeasement policy, the League of Nations' inability to stop aggression by the Axis countries, and ideological divisions further contributed to the conflict. The Axis nations were unified in their support for fascism and militarism, whereas the Allies shared a dedication to freedom and democracy. Millions of individuals, both civilians and soldiers lost their lives during World War II. The start of the Cold War., the founding of the United Nations, and the implementation of new global economic institutions, including the Marshall Plan and the Bretton Woods system.
The United States, to bolster its standing in the face of growing competition from China and the Soviet Union, has been using the Cold War as an excuse to go forward with plans to build nuclear weapons. The premise was that the United States might benefit strategically from the rivalry between the Soviet Union and China, each of whom viewed the other with suspicion (Sarantakes & Westad, 2019). The policy had several components, the most notable of which was the Unite...
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