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Impacts of the California Gold Rush on the Californios and the Restriction of Mexican Immigration

Essay Instructions:

Hola everyone! Here's some suggestions on how to best prepare your final exam answers. The specific page to write your answers in module 4 will be ready once the module opens. Keep in mind that the content is the most important thing, so there won't be as much emphasis on mechanics, sentence structure, etc.:

The best length for each part would be comparable to what you are composing in a Word or Google Docs document. Write your response (use Times New Roman, Arial or Helvetica font, size 11 or 12) in one or two paragraphs in single-space format, and if the total length comes to about 1/3 to 1/2 of a page, that will be perfect. You are absolutely welcome to write more than that if you wish.

Follow that format for the 4 questions from the Beyond 1848 readings that you write about. Remember that in each of the 4 parts of the final, choose one question from each part. Therefore you will be writing 4 total essays for this exam.

Copy and paste your answers directly into Canvas, do not send me a separate PDF or Word file.

Don't forget that you already have access to the PDF copy of the final exam. COMPOSE YOUR ANSWERS FIRST ON A SEPARATE FILE, THEN INSERT YOUR ANSWERS INTO CANVAS. There is no need for you to waste time on Canvas trying to answer the questions if you haven't seen the PDF file.

Good luck everyone, I hope these suggestions help! Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions about anything regarding this exam.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Part 1
What were the various impacts of the California gold rush on the californios? How did Tiburcio Vásquez and Francisco P. Ramírez respond to the californios’ loss of social standing in the years immediately following the gold rush? What was the Land Law of 1851 and what impact did it have on the californio land base?The California gold rush had adverse effects on the Californios. At the time, California was the original residence for Hispanics. However, when gold seekers came to California in large numbers, the Californios were pushed out of their land. The demand for gold caused newcomers to encroach on the land belonging to the Californios. The loss of land meant that the Hispanics lost their wealth and subsequently influence, which subsequently affected their special standing in America. Californios like Tiburcio Vásquez and Francisco P. Ramírez responded to the loss of land by turning into rebellion as a means of resisting. They formed armed resistance against the settlers. They protested against the massive land of their land to the gold seekers. The Land Law of 1851 was met to address the predicaments of the Californios. The law outlined the process the Californios needed to follow to prove their land grants and hence claim ownership. The law was meant to ensure that newcomers would not forcefully take land belonging to the Californios and in the case, it happened, the owners could claim ownership. However, the law introduced complex processes that were difficult for Californios to follow. The process was biased against the Californios causing a majority of them to lose their land because of lengthy legal battles.
Part 2
Why did some U.S. interests favor the restriction of Mexican immigration? Which interest groups opposed the restriction of Mexican immigration, and for what reasons?
Some interests favored the restriction of Mexican immigrants because of economic and cultural reasons. Americans felt that Mexican immigrants would join the job market and compete for the available opportunities. Due to the stiff competition, Americans felt that wages would be driven down. Employers would favor Mexican immigrants due to their willingness to take on lower wages. These interests indicated that restricting Mexican immigrants was needed to protect job opportunities. They also saw restriction as critical in protecting wages. The other reason for the restriction was because of cultural biases. Some groups viewed Mexican immigrants as inferior. Negative stereotypes and prejudices against Mexicans created a narrative that the group was racially inferior. Americans who supported this position felt that Mexicans needed to be prevented from entering the country to protect the prestige of the American people.
However, other groups opposed the restriction of Mexicans. A majority of the individuals who opposed retraction consisted of human rights groups and large-scale farmers. These saw restrictio...
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