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World History After 1650: China, The New World Power

Essay Instructions:

A. If reviewing a single video or article, give it between 2-3 pages (1.5 line-spacing, 10 point/pitch/letter size).

B. If reviewing a combination of films/articles in a single assignment folder, then the total should be 5 pages minimum. In that case, you must divide the 5 pages according to the number of review items. So, if two times, then 2.5 pages each; if 5 items, then 1 pages each—and so on.

Begin each film review by:

1. Telling the reader what is the subject matter of the video/article and a summary of the


2. Then give an account of the positive aspects of it (expressiveness, clarity, staying on

the subject, usefulness, etc),

3. Another account on the negative aspects (too confusing, too fast, too technical, too distracting, the style of presentation, etc, but NOT the cinematography. Some documentaries are nearly 100 years old. Naturally they will be black & white, and grainy).

4. Follow this by another account explaining how helpful the film/article is to you to better learn the course subject matter.

5. The last section should be your personal opinion: did you like it or not and why?

Do ask me if you have any other questions of if this is not clear enough to you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
World history after 1650 Student’s name Institutional affiliation May 2, 2019. World History after 1650 China, the new world power China, the new world power video done by DW media highlights the changes and development that has occurred in a period of five years in comparison to older regimes. Also, the video entails various opinions of wealthy and middle class earners opinion about current leadership development and future expectations. It is evident that china have risen to the top basing on communism, capitalism and development. According to different opinions highlighted by china citizens. Zedong’s regime is way far behind the current government which is under leadership of Zhi Jin ping. Measurable change has occurred in less than five years after Zhi Jin Ping took the power. In the previous governments, Chinese majority were worried about communism, corruption and misuse of power. These change after Zhi Jin Ping took over and reclaimed the communist party which have promoted development and change in china. Corruption, which happened to be the greatest threat to Chinese economy was solved few years after entry of the current government. This video is perfectly done because it has followed necessary procedures of creating a good documentary, firstly, it is an effective video and it compels, and it is based on facts and has a point of view which does not try in any way to persuade people. This is evident because the video shows live recorded events, situations and activities. The data indicated in the video is cited from reliable sources and does not rely on propaganda and other unsupported opinions. It is correct to highlight the entertaining aspect of the video. As an audience, the video is engaging in various ways such as narration, music, photographs and interviews which are correctly interpreted in a way that many people can understand. Secondly, the video applies exposition. This video has stayed in line of argument which is what the video is about. It is sequenced in a manner that viewers are allowed to make conclusion and analyze their opinion. Audience are playing the role of witnesses because the camera appears to be unseen and the speeches making the video are at times indirectly addressing the audience. For instance, the Chinese workers at the factory are communicating among themselves which indicates indirect address. These aspects indicate clarity in delivering the message and staying on the topic. Contrary, the video becomes confusing when the Chinese continues to speak in the Chinese language and the interpreter does not contribute in explaining what is being said. At time it is slow in a manner that content is losing its meaning when it appear for a long time on the screen. Transition of scenes and interviews distracts the viewer because the focus shifts into other areas forgetting the main topic the video communicates. At the end of the video transitions and interpreters voice are contrary to each other. This has the ability to confuse the audience and convey the unintended message. This video helps students and other audience to understand how important it is to elect perfect leaders into the power. The video clearly shows development and change that has occurred as a result of good leadership. Also, this video helps audience to understand that there is power in unity. Chinese people embraced communism and it has helped the president to fight corruption, provide effective medical care, proper housing and improvement in capitalism. Besides, middle class earners believe in their government due to observable change that has happened in a short period. Personally, I liked the video despite minor mistakes that occurred during editing. This is because the video is educative and it offers beautiful sceneries that people would like to be associated with or visit. Comparison between the past regimes and the current government proves that change is possible when the right people are in power. Losing the war with japan This video was created to highlight economic rivalry between the United States and Japanese industries. According to the evidence in the video, America, has lost their war with Japanese manufacturing industries. Initially, American industries dominated the metal stamping industries and the economic grow contribution from metal industries was relatively high. This changed when Japanese found market in America where they shipped metal products such as cars and heavy duty machineries. In a few years American metal industry begun to shrink while japan continued to supply cars and other various metal products to Americans. Negotiation between the two countries did not offer promising results and that made japan the winner. Japan has continuously been fighting economic war with America in almost every industry including; computer and display industries. Major computer a...
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