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World Civilization Final Exam

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This is a topic question to complete the part B of my final exam. You have to answer one of the five questions. Questions are given below. please contact me if you have any question.

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World Civilization
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The end of World War II saw the Soviet Union as a great military power of the world. Its battle-tested forces had occupied Eastern Europe (Madsen, 2018). Besides seizing the territories as a consequence of the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, the Soviet Union got concessions from Finland and won several island holdings from Japan. However, all of these achievements cost a lot; on an average, twenty million Soviet soldiers and civilians lost their lives in the war. In human history, this is considered the biggest loss of lives as the result of a battle. It is believed that the Soviet Union had taken up to $64 billion worth of booty in the war.
When the battle came to an end, the Soviet Union began extending its roots worldwide and controlled almost all parts of Eastern Europe. It also took over the governments in Hungary, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, and other similar areas. Only Austria and Greece remained free. On the other hand, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia (the Baltic countries) were converted into republics. Finland was controlled by the Soviet Union partially. Not only this but also the Communist Party was considered the strongest and best in France and Italy.
The Allies let the Soviet Union annex Lithonia, Estonia and Latvia in a process that had taken place right after World War II. With time, the Soviet Union started exerting their influence in different parts of Asia. For example, Outer Mongolia became a Communist regime in 1945, when it was taken over by the Soviet puppet government. Similarly, in 1949, China became a Communist.
It should be noticed that World War II was followed by droughts, purges, typhus epidemics, famine and other similar problems (Madsen, 2018). For example, the famine brought with itself a lot of medical conditions because people were forced to eat grass to keep themselves alive. In 1959, there were only fifty men for more than one hundred women, and the total deficiency of men was up to 12 million. Thus, it was quite difficult for the Soviet Union to handle the things and to come up with the expectations of people. In the postwar period, it first expanded the economy, with control exerted by none other th...
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