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Winston Churchill Biography

Essay Instructions:

I already finished 300 words, please help me to write an extra of 1650 words, please write full extra 1650 words,

The following it the requirement of my essay

History essay


-Must submitted to turn it in 7the May

-You need at least 6 textbook/article

-Must correct essay format/good SPAG

-Must be reference through- Harvard reference

-Must include a bibliography

-Need a front cover(from the DUO page)

-Only mark 1 draft

Introduction (150-200 words)

Must directly the question- Churchill, successes, Failure

-set out the intent of the essay


Tell us about Churchills life

Essay—-he became prime minister

Time after he was prime minister

Don’t talk about his time as prime minister


-Maximum of three policies of your choice

-Each policy needs sandwiching

Mini information-eg Churchill

Experience access with

-Main point/evidence/example

-counter argument

Mini conclusion- in this he was/not successful because….

-looking at significance fo


Overall judgement

-when looking at those three policies overall, can he be regraded as a success or not +Why?


bibliography it must be written after the reference list! Its about to write the sources that is not used but you read it before writing and this is the reference list

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Winston Churchill Biography Winston Churchill was one of the famous and greatest statesmen in the 20th century. He was born in 1874 to an aristocratic family. During his life, he served as a military leader and statesman and he later became one of the famous British writers winning Nobel Prize for literature in 1953 for his book about the history of the Second World War. He became prime minister of the United Kingdom twice and allied with the Soviet Union and the US to defeat the Nazi regime in Germany during the Second World War (Troitiño and Chochia, 2015, p67). Churchill left a complicated legacy as he is remembered for defeating the Nazi Party of Hitler’s dark regime. In the long career and life of Winston Churchill who spawned a substantial speeches, writing, communications and memoranda (David,C. and Roland,Q.2001). Churchill’s life has delivered many important speeches. His speech not only encourages the country to inspire people, but also expresses Churchill’s determination to never yield to the enemy. Despite his success, he failed when he decided to attack Turkey where he lost the war and resulted in the deaths of several New Zealanders and Australians. The campaign humiliated him and crippled him politically where he was excluded from War Council, dismissed from cabinet position, and not allowed to conduct any administration of the war. Therefore, in this work, this paper will describe Churchill’s biography including his success and an evaluation of his government. Churchill was born on the 30th day of November 1874 in Blenheim Palace at Oxfordshire. He was from a wealthy aristocratic family. Churchill achieved poor grades in class but had a passion of joining the military where he was recruited to Royal Cavalry in 1895. During the time, he served as a part-time journalist and a soldier that offered him the opportunity to travel to several countries including South Africa, Cuba, Egypt, and Afghanistan. In 1900, he joined politics and was elected Conservative MP for Oldham (Troitiño, 2017, p208). He abandoned his party in 1904 and spent the next decades being promoted to higher government ranks. Later, he became the first Admiralty at the time of the Gallipoli campaign that he created. Churchill made fatal decisions of attacking Turkey at the time and failed which affected his political career. He left Liberal Party and joined the Conservative Party and was elected as the Chancellor of the states Exchequer in 1924 when he proposed for Britain to join the Gold Standard. In 1929, he lost his seat to Tory and spent the next 11 years writing books and making speeches. He was against the Indian Independence and made warnings against a possible ally of Nazi Germany and this proved right in 1939 when the Second World War broke out. Churchill was elected the Prime Minister of the all-party coalition government in 1940 when Neville Chamberlain resigned from the office (Borthwick, Burch and Giddings, 2016, p274). He created a self-position of Minister for Defense which made him active in both diplomatic and administrative functions in continuing with the British war effort. He gave speeches during this period of hardship which improved the British morale. Once again he was sawn out of office in 1945 by Labor leader Clement Attlee. He made statements in the US in 1946 which warned the nation of the possible danger by powerful Soviet Russia. He was reelected in 1951 but was unfit for office and mostly worked from his bedside. During the period, a new Welfare State was created which limited the powers of Churchill on domestic policy (Marsh, 2017, p138). He tried to reduce the Cold War that was developing at the time through personal diplomacy but failed because of his poor health. His continued worsening condition forced him to resign in 1955 and was succeeded by Anthony Eden who was his Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary at the time. He later died in 1965 and received an honorable state funeral. Churchill experienced failure by sending his soldiers to fight without proper planning by considering the repercussions of the act. This included attacking the Germans and sending the British troops to deal with the Mau Mau rebellions in Kenya. Sending troops in Kenya was unnecessary as it resulted in unneeded loss of loves among his army. Also, the Germans were seen to have a better defense against the attackers. This had been seen at Passchendaele and Somme where the Germans managed to kill most of their attackers. Churchill did not learn from that and continued to send more troops to continue attacking the Germans (Biggar 2018, p198). Despite realizing how they were good in defending their attackers, the French and British still continued to throw themselves against the machine gun positions where millions of them got killed. Churchill still contended that there is a better way despite the humiliations he received from the attempt to weaken the Germans, but the British and German military have an insurmountable gap. The next attempt was to weaken German peripheries to obtain more support to Britain-France-Russia Triple Entente. The attack targeted most of German’s vulnerable peripheries by opening new fronts in distant theaters. The strategy was to force Germany and other Central Powers to consider rearranging their economic and military resources to prepare to defend the Western fronts. The aim was to bring a coordinated attack that would weaken the Germans defenses. Weakening the Germans defense was seen as a way of ending the war as attacking them from multiple fronts was seen to weaken their most decisive allies. This was seen when he attacked Turkey in 1915 at Gallipoli and Dardanelles for a fight that took more than a month to end. Churchill used the policy of ‘’total war’’ against the Germans. Unluckily, all their efforts went in vain as Turkey was very strategic and offered the best defense which leads to the deaths of several New Zealand and Australians soldiers (Biggar 2018, p209)). The best defense offered by the nations which were attacked by the Western Front proved made their strategy ineffective. Though some people argued that the he was right to attack the vulnerable points of the Germans to weaken them, this strategy was not successful as he had previously seen it not working but continued to implement it resulting in loss of lives of millions of soldiers. Another decision is when France was invaded, overbudget and f...
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