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Republican Party and Emergence of Lincoln Impact on the US Political Landscape

Essay Instructions:

Welcome to our final Reflection assignment.
This post will be similar to what you wrote in your last reflections, but you will be focused on the material in Unit 5, the Civil War Era. By now, you have studied the full trajectory over the course of 350 years of Spanish, French, Dutch, English, and Native American interactions in North America. You may wish to focus on one specific aspect of the Civil War era, or perhaps reflect on the course as a whole. It is totally up to you.
Once again, this is not a formal paper, but rather meant to serve as a way for you to put all the pieces together or demonstrate your understanding of a particular topic. There are no right or wrong topics or political opinions. Just show me that you engaged with history and the course material in some meaningful way to you. You may wish to see my comments from the last post as a guide.
Use the briefguide_writing_history.pdfPreview the document as a guide if you wish.
What I am looking for is a clear thesis or idea, paragraphs and college-level communicating, and evidence from the course materials to back up your idea in roughly 500-750 words. You can either submit a text entry or a file upload if you wish. If you use quotes from other sources, be sure to also cite those in the reference style of your choice. Be sure to cite any sources you use or quote in the post, if needed.
Please keep in mind that your thoughts are more important to me than exact formality of a paper. Content is king, but I do expect college-level writing. Don't get hung up on thinking this has to be a formal paper, it doesn't. It can be if that is your style, but a simple text entry is fine as well. If you have any questions, please send me an email, come to virtual office hours, or post in the discussion board.
This post is due by Sunday, April 28 at 11:59 PM

Essay Sample Content Preview:

592 words
In the chapter “A House Divided, 1840-1861” there is too much focus on the events that led up to the Civil War. While the issue of slavery was divisive there were many players in the North and south, who held different visions about the future of the country. The history books focus too much on the few years before and after the Civil War, but to pace the war in context it is necessary to understand the political landscape, changes and the most influential political players in the mid 19th century and few years prior to the war. The rise of the Republican Party and emergence of Lincoln had a profound impact on the US political landscape.
The Kansas–Nebraska Act allowed Kansas and Nebraska to make decisions on whether to allow slavery in their territories in opposition to the 1820 Missouri Compromise that had prohibited slavery in the areas north of latitude 36°30. The free-soil coalition, which opposed expansion of slavery into the western territories, consisted of “rebellious northern Democrats, anti-slavery Whigs, and members of the Liberty party” (Shi and Tindall 560). While the free-soil coalition party was short lived, I believed that the coalition played a more prominent role in drawing attention to the issue of slavery among many who were indifferent. However, they are barely given any credit and in today’s two party system in the US it is the history of the two parties, which gets more attention.
There are those who opposed slavery in the Free-soil coalition and Republican Party because of fears of black-labor competition. It appears that some political actors opposed or supported slavery for their self-interest, and those who opposed slavery, ...
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