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Women and War

Essay Instructions:
I. Essay Proposal Write a 2 page proposal and a 1 page annotated bibliography (total of 3 pages). In this proposal you should: describe what you have chosen as a topic for your major research paper based on anthropology of gender and war, why you think this is an important issue vis-à-vis the anthropology of gender and war and some of the questions that you hope to address further in your Research Essay. The annotated bibliography* should include at least 5 scholarly references, including 1 book, 1 book chapter (from an edited collection) and 1 scholarly journal article (newspaper articles and popular magazine articles and non-refereed website articles may be included but are in addition to the 5 scholarly references. You must give the full and correct references for the articles/chapters/books/websites, etc cited (please consult a style guide) * An annotated reference describes in several sentences: i) what the article/book/chapter is about, ii) why it is important for your topic, iii) your critique of the article/book/chapter.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
WOMEN AND WAR Name Institution Introduction War is not an aspect that affects only men in society. It also affects women and children, as well as other factors such as property and livestock in the society. In the contemporary conflicts, the effects of war on women are many, and they can be highly severe. The issue of war and women is a significant topic because it aids in highlighting the effects which wars cause women when they occur. Even from the past, war has always affected men and women variedly. This topic is important because while women are often the minority of war perpetrators and combatants, they increasingly suffer and encounter the greatest loss and harm. In the modern conflicts, most of the causalities among civilians are women and children (Kaufman and Williams, 2010). This is because the women in war-torn societies often encounter devastating forms of sexual violence. This violence is at times applied systematically to acquire political or military objectives. Thus, the women are the first people to feel the impacts of infrastructure breakdown as they strive to ensure that they keep their families together and take care of the wounded. Thus, this topic is of essence because it discusses the challenges that wars pose to women and how such impacts affect the lives and families of women in society. In addition, in my research I hope to tackle how the war effects change and affect the lifestyles of women and their families in society. I want to comprehend why some women tend to turn to sexual exploitation as they seek to survive and support their families. I also want to discuss the forms of sexual exploitation that women undergo during such war periods (Allen, J. B. et al, 2007). Furthermore, even when such conflicts end, the effects of sexual violence often persist which includes the outcomes of such sexual violence. For instance, the discussion would involve sexual violence outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections, and unwanted or unplanned pregnancies, as well as stigmatization of women in society. In addition, sexual violence has the potentiality of continuing or increasing in the aftermath of war, as an impunity or insecurity consequence. Furthermore, the research would tackle the issue of inequitable and discrimination regulations, as well as sexual violence, which can inhibit women from accessing information, education, partake in governance, peace restoration and peace building, as well as become financially autonomous (Kuehnast, Jonge and Hernes, 2011). Furthermore, the research would seek to address the representation of women in the formal peace procedures although they many contribute in several means to conflict resolution. Thus, the research would address the inclusion of women in peace seeking strategies, in order to make certain that women concerns, which involve gender based-violence and the rights of women, as well as post-conflict accountability. Moreover, when there is war most of the people that are deployed to fight in such wars are men (UN women, 2013). The women are left with the responsibility of taking care of families, the elderly and their families’ properties. The women are also in charge of evacuating their young children from war fronts, and become heads of their families as they immigrate to safe areas. The topic also would enlighten on how women become breadwinners during war times and what they do, in order to ensure that their families feed consistently when all food structures and infrastructures such as markets have been incapacitated. Thus, this research would address the challenges, which such women encounter when evacuating, and seeking safety areas for their families. The research ...
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