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William Henry Harrison

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Running Head: History William Henry Harrison Name High School Course Teacher Date William Henry Harrison a true American Hero William Henry Harrison was born to a political family in Virginia State on February 9th 1773 .His father a plantation owner was one of the people who participated in the signing of the Declaration of independence. He was also at one point the governor of Virginia State. (David 1970). At the age of fourteen young William Harrison began a classical education as a result of which he became well versed in the Latin and French languages. As he grew older, his father wanted him to learn medicine and he chose to move him to Richmond and eventually the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he studied the practice of medicine. But unfortunately for the young William Harrison his father died less than a year after he had began studying at the University leaving him without any funds that could sustain his education. (David 1970). After his fathers death Harrison immediately joined the army at the age of eighteen (David 1970). And he was there after deployed to serve in the Northwest Territory where there was an ongoing war known as the ‘Northwest Indian war’. Due to his strict discipline Harrison was soon promoted to lieutenant. He later participated in and came out victorious and a hero in the battle of Fallen Timbers. Harrison had risen to the rank of captain in the army by the time he retired in 1797 to campaign for public office. After his retirement from the military, Harrison was soon recommended to serve as a secretary in the North West territory government. Through his efforts to champion for lower land prices in the territory, an issue that was close to the settlers hearts at that time, Harrison was recognized as a frontier leader among the social and political elite in the region. This fact, served greatly in his favor, when he chose to run for the position of delegate to the congress. He won and was appointed in 1799. During his time as delegate to the congress Harrison campaigned with success the passing of the Harrison land act which was very important as many average settlers could now buy land and settle in the Northwestern Territory. He also actively participated in the committee that opted to divide up the North West into two separate Territories; Ohio and Indiana. For all his efforts Harrison was nominated by president John Adams to be governor of the newly created Indiana Territory (David 1970).During his early years as governor Harrison was virtually unchallenged politically, he ruled with a strong will and determination gaining a lot of friends and enemies in equal measure. The main ...
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