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Vietnam War Era

Essay Instructions:
Write a two page essay in which you discuss the Vietnam War Era. This may include a discussion of the war itself, or may examine contemporaneous social and political issues, such as the civil rights movement, the ‘60's counterculture, or the Watergate scandal. Need at least 2 sources.
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VIETNAM WAR ERA Name Institution affiliation Course Date of Submission Vietnam War Era The historic Vietnam War was an enduring, protracted and costly armed conflict that was fought between the communist regime of North Vietnam which had reinforcement in its Southern Allies - the Viet Cong, and South Vietnam whose main ally was the United States. The War itself started in 1954, though the underlying conflict in the region can be traced back to the 1940s. The war began after the ascendancy to power of Ho Chin Minh and his communist Viet Minh party in the North Vietnam, and was exuberated further by the raging Cold War the Soviet Union, which had emerged as the two global super powers after WW2. Approximately 3 million people died in the War - including 58,000 Americans. More than half of those killed were Vietnamese civilians. At the height of American involvement in the war which was in 1969, there were more than 500,000 U.S military personnel in the heat of the moment in the Vietnam conflict (Hall, 2009). There was growing resentment to the war in the United States which led to bitter divisions in the country before President Nixon called for the withdraw of U.S troops in 1973, that division prevailed even after that withdrawal. Two years later, in 1975, the communist forces gained control of Saigon, thus ending the Vietnam War, leading the country to stand as a unitary state of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976. As the conflict was escalating, North Vietnam which has succeeded in defeating the French colonial administration in Vietnam, had wanted to unify the entire nation of Vietnam under one communist regime that was modeled after those communist regimes of ...
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