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Project #2 United States History Theme - Equality

Essay Instructions:

Project #2 United States History Theme - Equality

TASK-- Choose one group of Americans from across our course and discuss the following: how this group has been denied their civil liberties and freedoms, how efforts were made to help this group attain equality, and the extent to which this group has achieved equality today.

American ‘Groups’:

African Americans

Asian Americans

Hispanic Americans


Native Americans

People with disabilities


Project Directions: Each of us will choose ONE of the following assignments. This assignment is designed to be ‘essay preparation.’ Each assignment requires THREE developed paragraphs corresponding to the task of our chosen project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Plight of the African Americans
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Plight of the African Americans
Despite the abolishment of slavery through the 13th amendment of the US constitution that demanded for freedom and equality of all citizens, African Americans still continue to languish in deplorable conditions. Wide spread discrimination by the Native Americans has resulted in unequal opportunities necessary for the development of the race. However, over the years there have been various campaigns championing for equality for all as stipulated in the constitution and there have been some significant strides in that direction. The essay paper purports to examine how the African Americans have been denied their civil liberties and freedoms, the efforts that have been made to help the African Americans to attain equality and identify a few of the success stories of the efforts aimed at attaining their equality.
Racial discrimination is still very much part of the US society today. Native Americans have not embraced the African Americans as their equals and consider them to be inferior. The inequality is rampant in the learning institutions, employment and housing areas. Lisa highlights that in her article “Most African Americans live in the rural Deep South, or in large metropolitan areas, where crime is higher, life expectancies are shorter, schools are poorer and health care and good jobs are far less available” (Aubrey, 2015). These living conditions place them at a disadvantage and limit their chances of being successful and attaining the American dream. The poor schools and crime-ridden neighborhoods commonly referred to as “ghettos” are a complete contrast of the suburbs where the Native Americans live. There have been cases where African American children have been denied the opportunity to seek higher education in institutions considered only for the whites. Many African Americans have been cheated from promotions in their areas of employment and it has also been reported that there is a significant difference in salaries between an African American employee and White employee doing the same task. The distasteful inequality and discrimination on the African Americans has contributed to the generational misery of the race characterized by poverty, crime, violence, incomplete families and substance abuse. Research has shown that unemplo...
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