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A Research Paper in History: Victims or Aggressors?

Essay Instructions:

A Research Paper in History:
“Victims or Aggressors? To What Extent did the European Inflict the
Rising Tensions Leading Up to the Rwandan Genocide?”

Victims or agressors? To what extent did the Europeans inflict the rising tensions leading up to the Rwandan Genocide?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper in History:
“Victims or Aggressors? To What Extent did the European Inflict the
Rising Tensions Leading Up to the Rwandan Genocide?”
10 June 2018
Part 1 Historical Investigation
Section 1: Introduction
The rights of humans to live, to freely express themselves and to be protected from any form of violence, threat or mass genocide has been the central focus of non-profit and human rights groups, associations and government agencies all over the world. Horrifyingly, there are men who find satisfaction in hurting and killing others. Studies have been made concerning past and present events that have led to the loss of lives through mass genocide. According to History (2018) Genocide only existed after the year 1944, and it refers to a series of violent criminal offenses committed against groups, races or ethnicities with the intention of totally annihilating the group. Hence, due to these murderous incidents and large-scale killings Human Rights was defined and laid out by the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to heed to the call of protecting the rights of individuals. Whilst, in the year 1948, UN finally declared Genocide as an international crime which refers to the most horrifying acts of violence happening in Yugoslavia and in the African Regions of Rwanda in the year 1990, years after the Genocide of the Jews. This paper specifically determines the cause and effect of the Rwanda genocide and how the European communities escalated the tension leading to the mass murders. An in-depth study of historical facts are included in the subsequent paragraphs to give a clear and verified analysis of the tragic events that transpired in Rwanda and how it has displaced thousands of lives.
Clarification of Topic and Research
This research paper primarily focuses on the role played by the European community in
adding up to the conflict of the Rwandan Genocide. An accurate historical narration of the tragedy will be discussed in context with the series of events that took place in this African Region. In general description, the 1994 Rwandan Genocide took place with the members of the Hutu ethnic minority murdered a total of 800,000 Tutsi Minority members. These Hutu nationalist radicals started their terror and violence within Kigali and extended all throughout the African Nation of Rwanda. Common citizens were brutally murdered in the most despicable manner. The people in the community were incited by the local and Hutu officials to take arms and kill their neighbors. It was too late when the Rwandese Patriotic Front led by the Tutsi gained control because over hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were already dead and over a million refugees have been displaced suffering in poverty and hardships (History, 2018).
Moreover, specifically, the European communities have been involved in this mass murder and this paper deciphers the extent of the involvement of these factors. As indicated in the BBC News (2011) that, more of the victims were Tutsis and the offenders and murderers who perpetrated the attacks were known to be the Hutus.
Evaluation of Sources
First Source: Hearst Seattle Media (2018). What Impact Did the Belgian Presence
in Rwanda Have to Spark Further Conflict? Retrieved from  HYPERLINK "http://education.seattlepi.com/impact-did-belgian-presence-rwanda-spark-further-conflict-5558.html" http://education.seattlepi.com/impact-did-belgian-presence-rwanda-spark-further-conflict-5558.html
The European member, Belgium had such a harrowing effect in Rwanda since the day of its colonization in the year 1884 by Germany and in 1919 by Belgium which inherited the colony in observance of the League of Nations mandate. This mandate declares how the German territories were subdivided upon the happening of World War I. While history dictates that the Belgian Colonizers acquired a more direct control over Rwanda, the method and process of political system was preserved with the natives or citizens of the colony allowed to maintain their rulership over said locality thus continuing their monarch leadership. By reason of this policy, ethnic differences grew into a blown-out war that worsened the existing conflict that lasted in the 1990’s.
Rwanda is divided into two ethnic groups called the Tutsi and Hutu. The latter were farmers and the former were cattle herders before the European Colonization took place. According to Hearst Seattle Media (2018) during the Belgian Rule, the Tutsi rulers were allowed to exhibit tyranny over the Hutus and became a door for colonization without the much needed force of the presence of European troops. The Belgians exploited the Tutsi-Hutu indifference by lending both military and even political support to the Tutsi rulers who were instrumentalities in maintaining the peace and order. In accordance to the research made by the Pennsylvania University on African Studies, Belgium even enacted both political and economic reforms in the year ...
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