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How does urbanization in the united states differ from other places. identified three specific differences and explain their significance for urban and suburban developement in the united states. i will like to use the city of new york
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(February 08, 2012)
American Urbanization and New York City
At the beginning, America was mainly a rural state. According to the census carried out in 1790, population of people who stayed in the countryside was 95 percent. The remaining percentage of citizens who lived in urban areas occupied small areas. New York, Boston and Philadelphia had more than 15,000 inhabitants. The southern part of the city was almost rural. In 1830, urban centers of the country grew faster than the rural centers. There was a substantial growth in the cities by 1890, and this increased number of citizens who lived in the urban areas, especially in the northern half of America (Legates, 2011). Only the southern region remained rural, apart from a few smaller cities and New Orleans. The total number of people living in urban did not surpass rural areas number until 1920. During the 1990s, three out of four people stayed in urban centers, and at world war11, parts of southern became urbanized, especially in Arizona, eastern seaboard, and Texas.
Urbanization in America can be explained on the basis of New York City. For more than 2000years, New York City has been the biggest center in America, and it continues to outperform several urban areas in the world. It is therefore, one of the centers in America with a high population nowadays than fifty years ago, and its economy is still relatively stronger. In 1825, less than 170,000 Americans stayed in Manhattan, and a total number of 11,000 occupied the Brooklyn areas (Garvin, 2002). During that time, New York had no public transportation, as well as a police force. There was opening of the Canal Erie in 1825, which exploded commercial activities, and resulting in construction of new offices, workshops, and factories. As a result, New York became the largest industrial center in America.
In the year of 1875, the city became real that the grid system did not offer enough space for parking in New York. Eventually, the city was forced to purchase a populated, sparsely tract of land, in the northern part of the town. These resulted in the eviction of the Irish, and the blacks who lived there. As a result, Calvert Vaux and Law Frederick Olmsted won the contest of design to build the Central Park. It was to be a place where citizen of all backgrounds and classes could be allocated. However, the journey to Central Park was only affordable to few citizens as the rules which governed the city against ground picnics, walking on the grass, and some strenuous activities barred a large number of citizens from paradise visiting (Garvin, 2002).
There was an introduction of opposition civil war by the immigrant of the Irish and was stronger than ever. These people had competed on long term with the blacks, concerning houses, and jobs. As a result, those citizens did not want to fight the freedom of the black people. It was on July 11, 1863, when 1,200 citizens of New York were drafted. A few days later, a large immigrant number of the Irish attacked some militia men, and the draft office. The immigrant of the Irish looted the homes of blacks, and orphanages, burning all of them down. Within a long time, the return of the military from...
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