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Essay Instructions:
From Andrew Johnson to George W. Bush, which president do you think left the boldest mark on American History? Why?
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(February 22, 2012)
President Bush’s administration including all the events which took place during his adminstration will linger in the minds of many Americans for a very long time. His presidency was very successful in a variety of areas. He had a decision making aspect which merited distinct recognition. He was bold enough to take actions which many of the presidents would not have thought. For these bold decisions, he was abused and vilified. His presidency was characterised by doing defiantly what he thought was right. To begin with, his decision to jettison the treaty on climate change in Kyoto. Despite all the resistance, he was able to act accordingly. He stood firm and ordered a stop to global warming. On the other hand, after the September 11 attacks, there was facilitated terrorist interrogation (Bollocks, 2009).
He put into use a variety of ways like using wireless eavesdropping to save the lives of Americans. Supposing this was not done, probably many other Americans would be dead due to another terrorist attack. A lot of evidence was got from the al Qaeda leaders who had been captured. This included the mastermind of september 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by use of waterboarding. Despite the fact that many people disliked the method, Bush continued to pursue it to the later. He had to make the decision by himself on terrorists wireless sueveillance minus the authority of federal judges. He made the decisions on his own on how the terrorists were to be treated and the location of their imprisonment. These decisions were legitimate as the president who is the chief commander was not required to apologize. Additionally, his administration never disclosed the names of individuals who had been consulted on energy policy.
President Bush had also alot of support for Israel. he even went further to denote Yasser Arafat an obstacle to peace in the Middle East. These angered enemies of Israel, the developing world and the United Nations. He was vary brilliant during his support for Israel. He told the then Irael prime minister Ariel Sharon to withdraw the tankers sent to the West Bank in 2002. After this, there was no pressure from him to force Sharon to implement the idea. The other thing was the success on the No Child Left Behind education reform bill. The bill had been cosponsored by Edward Kennedy, the most veteran liberal Democratic senator. The unions for teachers, boards of schools, establishements of education and other conservatives were very reluctant to accept the bill. This was because the bill called for two key things of which these groups opposed. The two issues were accountability and mandatory testing (Zelizer, 2010).
Despite the issues to do with the war on Iraq, reform in Social Security, the presidency of President Bush turned the ten years into ten years which will never be forgotten. He made so many political gaffes which cannot fade away from both the minds of Americans and other people. Some of the ...
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