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How the United States was Formed and State Rights Role

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Write an essay on how the formation of "The United Staes" was established and how State Rights played a role in government. Thank you for your time :)

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How the United States Was Formed and State Rights Role
Institution of affiliation
How the United States Was Formed and State Rights Role
A study of the formation of the United States requires an examination of the foundation of the United States. This can be traced to the travels of Christopher Columbus and his discovery of the Americas. The discovery was relayed to Europe and the influx of Europeans to the US Mainland begun in the 1600s. It is essential to note that prior to this incursion, there existed an Indigenous Indian population in the US. As the immigrants came into the Americas, the first settled near the coast. However, as the population increased, the settlers moved into the American heartland resulting in greater conflicting with the native people. The gold rush of the 1830s expedited the inland movement of the settler population after the American Revolution. By the year 1770, 13 British colonies had been created with the King of Britain as the head of government and State. The imposition of a new tax in the 1760s would set the stage for major upheavals between the states and the British Government. The result would be a bloody war that would ultimately culminate in a declaration of independence CITATION Woo98 \l 1033 (Wood, 1998).
The War of Independence would test out the resolve of the young colonies and would ultimately bring forth the character of the American people. The system of government formed by the people would largely be in response to the States antipathy to a centralized form of government. The paper therefore looks at the history of how the United States was formed. The paper will also discuss the role of state rights in the formation of the US government and ultimately the evolution of the United States into the modern system it is today.
Prior to the European incursion, there existed a number of Native communities and cultures in the United States. These included; Adena Culture, Coles Greek Culture, Hohokam culture, et cetera. The exploration period of the late 1500s to early 1600s produced the first settlement by Englishmen in 1607. This would be quickly followed by settlers from other European nations into the America. The influx of settlers would result in wars with the native communities such as the 1622 Powhatan uprising that led to hundreds of settlers being killed. During the period of British colonization, Britain followed the policy of salutary neglect. This policy ensured that the colonies were not entirely bound to follow the laws of Britain. This allowed the colonies to flourish. However, in the initial stages of the colonies, there were widespread problems. There was limited success in agriculture due to the severe labor shortage. Settlers that came into the Americas at the time were often teenagers under indentured servitude, criminals or adventurers. However, as the population of the settlers grew, they were able to effectively conquer the land and conduct farming. The higher population also ensured the settlers were protected from attacks by native Indians CITATION Gar05 \l 1033 (Gardbaum, 2005).
The colonies that were established were characterized by religious diversity and tolerance. This was as a result of the different individuals that made up the colonies. It was essential that a high level of tolerance was achieved in the colonies for them to effectively function. The colonies had different forms of government that followed a similar pattern. A colony had a governor as its head. The governor was appointed from Britain and sent to rule the colony. The governor thus reported and was answerable to London.
The French and Indian War and the Seven year War laid the foundation for American integration. The colonies were urged to unite to face a common enemy or perish as divided colonies. The stamp Act of 1765 was essential in beginning the American Revolution. The Act provided for taxation of the colonies by the British Parliament. The Colonies felt that the tax was unjust as it was affected by a body that they were not represented in. The colonies, therefore, called for no taxation without representation in the British Parliament. Boston citizens through the tea party acted against the tax by dumping tea exports meant for Britain into the sea. Britain responded by putting the city of Boston under army rule. This sparked protests from other colonies resulting in the first Continental Congress and with the exception of Georgia, all colonies attended. The first Congress agreed to cease importation of goods from Britain. The colonies further appealed to the King to repeal taxes imposed on the colonies. The king refused and the British attempted to arrest American Patriot leaders sparking the American revolutionary war.
The American Revolutionary War severely tested the resolve of the colonies for independence. Britain sent in armies to bring the colonies under the Crown’s rule again. However, the colonies did not prior to the war have standing armies. The colonies...
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