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Public Administration: How democracy interplay and political culture affect the public administration in Canad

Essay Instructions:

- This is the Assignment #2 for my CPPA 101 course. - The assignment requires me to answer one of the questions by having 2000-3000 words. I only want at this point 1100 words because my Mac broke down and now I have lost all my work. I have no time nor money to request 2000 words. Thank you for your support. Assignment 2: DUE ON Monday, July 11, 2016 (30% of Final Grade) In a properly formatted and documented Research Paper of 2000-3000 words, typed, double- spaced, select ONE of the following topics to explore: 1. Explain how the interplay of democracy and political culture affect public administration in Canada. 2. Explain the difference between state and government and analyze how different forms of democracy affect the way government is structured, organized and run in Canada 3. If you were prime minister, how many government departments would you create and what would they be? In what areas would you use other bodies like crown corporations and regulatory agencies? What areas would you privatize and why? Justify your answer by explaining what areas of life contemporary government should be involved in. 4. Explain what mechanisms within the organization of government provide democratic accountability and control of the bureaucracy. Is it possible to counter the power of the "professional expert" (i.e. the career public servant) with these mechanisms? Any paper submitted after the scheduled due date will receive a 4% per day deduction as part of the evaluation process. Term assignment papers are to be based on the integration and analysis of research. The expository writing style is the most common style used in writing university research essay papers. Familiarize with this style of writing. As a general rule, students should apply a minimum of five (5) sources to the writing of each assignment paper, based on the assigned readings, primarily; however, students are encouraged to look to outside readings, as part of the research assignment. Research applied to term assignment papers must be documented, effectively and accurately, in the form of the APA style format. Also, familiarize, yourself, with the APA style format and how it is applied to each type of source being introduced in the paper. See the APA style guide posted in the Course Materials link in the coming weeks for student reference. Assignments papers are to be submitted via email as an MS Word document (.doc) file attachment to my faculty. and to the Turnitin assignment link created for each assignment in the 'Assignments' link on this course site, prior to the published due date. Papers that are submitted on time will be returned within a two-week period. Papers submitted after the posted due date will receive a 4% grade deduction, per day, up until seven days after the due date, after which the assignment will not be eligible for evaluation and will receive a "0" grade. Both term assignment papers must be submitted, prior to the exam date, in order for the student to qualify to write the final exam!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Administration
Institutional Affiliation
Public Administration
How democracy interplay and political culture affect the public administration in Canada
Canada is a recognized democratic country known for its parliamentary democracy as well as its constitutional monarchy. On public administration, every country must have a constitution. The Canadian law consists of the written as well as unwritten customs, acts as well as judicial decisions and country traditions. The Canadian legal system is founded on the English common law, though consists of the 1867 constitution document that was later transformed to transfer the power of rule from the British colony to the Canadian government. Canada is organized into administrative divisions, which include three territories as well as some provinces. The executive domineering of Canada came into play in the year 1867 after the country gained its independence. Canada has more than 31 million people, with more than 80 percent of the population residing in towns and cities bordering the United States. Public administration takes into account some demographic factors, and as such, the largest cities in Canada include Toronto with a population of about 4.4 million people. The city of Montreal in Quebec is the second largest city with a population of 3.4 million inhabitants. Fishing and farming dominate the diverse economy of Canada as the largest tax earners and largest employers (Frederickson & Rohr, 2015).
As a country, Canada is a parliamentary democracy that boasts of being a federal state hosting ten provinces, all which are self-governing. The country also has three territories, which are administered by the federal government of Canada. Canada as a country is governed by the Senate, which is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the regional as well as the provincial and the minority interest. The senatorial seats in Canada are well distributed over the country, according to the country's population. More than one-half of the senatorial seats in Canada are distributed in the less populated regions. Public administration in Canada also has the House of Commons representatives, who sit in the national assembly on behalf of the country's citizens. Members of the House of Commons are well distributed in all the provinces with the consideration of every province's population. For the government to ensure stability there must be support from the House of Commons as well as ensure confidence. The prime minister chooses the cabinet from the ruling party (Dalton, 2013).
A political culture is the combination of all the relevant political values as well as attitudes that contribute to the society's orientation. A political culture is determined by the feelings that people hold towards a community in general. Without reference to any country, a political culture is characterized by values such as patriotism, the pride of one's nation, the attitude that one holds towards their country and the pride one finds in associating with their country. The other component of political culture is the belief that one holds concerning the state, and it primarily incorporates the decision-making orientations as well as apparatus (Henry, 2015). When it comes to public administrations, political culture determines the trust that one hold’s in a country's institutions. The political culture of a country also determines the level to which the country's citizens believe and think about political participation. The interplay between the political culture and democracy in Canada contributes immensely positive perspective of the country's public administration. Democratically, Canada is well known for its popular sovereignty, a system where the citizens...
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