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Community Center Design

Essay Instructions:
throughout the term Professor has stressed independent thinking supported by clear arguments and good, substantive evidence. In the midst of a lecture she would ask you to consider: “Do you agree with this architect's ideas?” or “In what other way might we consider this example (of architecture, of urban design, of user agency, etc.)?” This final assignment simply asks that you do what we have been doing throughout the entire class: thinking about architecture, its forms and contents. This should be about history of architecture by thinking through these topics: Avant‐Garde/ Modernism/Politics: redux ,Making the Tradition ofModernism: exhibitions,books, and polemics ,CIAM:Dissemination of Modernism ,Housing the Colonial Subject, Form/History/Rationalism ,Systems and Cybernetics, Program, Scale & Event Territory vs. Narrative ,Systems and Cybernetics
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Community Center Design
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Community Center Design
Community centers are places where the whole community is expected to gather for recreational functions as well as other functions that the community feels are helping it. It is of paramount importance to note that the community center is expected to serve all the people in the community irrespective of their gender, sex or physical disabilities. This is the reason why care must be taken when designing the community center because no one should be left out. Although engineers and architects are the ones who provide the final draft of a community center, it is important to incorporate ideas from all the particular groups in the community. This is achievable by ensuring that a meeting is held in the community where ideas from several people are listed for consideration.
The world has been faced with the challenge of global warming which is because of increased green house gas emissions. This implies that the people are very keen in ensuring that their community institutions are friendly to the environment. Architects ought to come up with structures that do not increase carbon emissions if they are to win support from the masses. This is attributed to the fact that community centers are dependent on the masses and they ought to ensure that the public is happy with what goes on in the community center (Solomon, 2000). This is the reason why Firstenburg Community Center, which is located in Vancouver in Washington, is an eco-friendly center. It is for this reason that the center exceeded the projected membership passes because the community is happy to be associated with it. It has taken into account the trees that grow in the area, uses solar pow...
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