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The U.S History

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U.S History
The United States of America prides itself on the social, political, and economic influence it enjoys all over the world. It is only until in the recent past that countries such as a China are trying to match and challenge its influence over the world’s economy and politics. Nevertheless, achieving such a coveted global position for the United States took a long a period of social-cultural, political, and economic transitions upon which the country founded its progression and development to the current position it enjoys. The United States history provides an insight into the key events, policies, and actions taken by its leadership and their influence on the country’s development and progressive endeavors. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of some of the socio-cultural, political, and economic events, policies, or actions of the U. S in the 1920’s provides an excellent benchmark for China as it continues to climb up the ladder to becoming a global power across the outlined parameters.
The Chinese’ steady economic growth in the past 3 to 4 decades establishes the country’s position as an economic power in the world only rivaled by the United States. China, through the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CCP), embraces globalization and thus becoming a global economic power through its opening and reform agenda initiated in the early 1970’s CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Sheng, 2014). Politically, the nation is gradually shifting from its non-interference stance on other nations’ political developments to becoming more involved and active in the global politics. Domestically, however, the nation still upholds its nationalistic values and political ideologies putting first the interests of the nation as the cornerstone for its multidimensional development agenda CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Sheng, 2014). China further guards its cultural heritage. Despite its economic growth and increased interaction with the rest of the world’s diverse culture, the Chinese people share a strong belief in their cultural values CITATION And14 \l 1033 (Sheng, 2014). In view of protecting and maintaining the outstanding economic, political, and social achievements that China should seek to learn from the historical events, policies, and actions of the 1920’s America to continue making positive steps and avoid practices that would jeopardize its development agenda.
The 1920’s account for a wide range of events, policies, and actions in the history of the United States against which China would make a holistic self-examination to determine the best practices to adopt and what to leave out. The “Roaring Twenties,” as it came to be known was characterized by an economic boom due to increased consumerism as the First World War came to an end CITATION Dav12 \l 1033 (Trowbridge, 2012). The economic recovery featured a surplus capital which further enhanced credit purchases and thus making it easier for the American citizens to acquire household consumer durables such as refrigerators, washing machines, and cars. The items were previously unaffordable to most households. The period featured various progressive inventions in the car manufacturing industry with approximately 5 million Americans owning cars by 1929 CITATION Dav12 \l 1033 (Trowbridge, 2012). The motion picture industry also grew to greater heights while professional sports are equally gaining popularity in the United States.
However, it was the rise of conservatism and cultural diversity accompanying the improving economy that should be of much interest to the People’s Republic of China. The “Roaring Twenties” saw a dominance of the conservative ideologist at the helm of American politics with three Republican Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover ruling from 1920 to 1932 CITATION Dav12 \l 1033 (Trowbridge, 2012). The conservative regime constituted economic policies such as mas...
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