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Analyze Chinese Revolution. You need to describe its course.

Essay Instructions:


Analyze Chinese Revolution. You need to describe its course, its participants, its difficulties, the impact of the outsiders, and whether it was a success or not. (Please number these points)

ITEMIZE YOUR answers making sure you to cover all points listed below (i.e., answer the points ONE BY ONE, and not combine them). NO OUTSIDE SOURCES MAY BE USED. ONLY YOUR TEXTBOOKS, SUPPL. READINGS, CLASS MATERIAL AND THE ASSIGNED DOCUMENTARY FILMS.

Please follow this instruction strictly, otherwise the essay will be returned to rewrite. The most important point is that you should not to use outside resources. Just use the PPT and Movies I provided as your only resources. Please number each answers about the questions( its course, its participants, its difficulties, the impact of the outsiders, and whether it was a success or not)

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The Chinese Revolution
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The Chinese Revolution
In the nineteenth century, many wars and revolutions rose between countries, including the United States, Korea, and China among other countries. Some of the frequent conflicts included the World Wars, Chinese Revolution among others. The battles between nations had a lot of impact on social, economic and political structures of nations that participated in these wars. This paper thus seeks to discuss and analyze the Chinese revolution in which it will include its course, participants of the revolution, challenges, the impact of the outsiders and also determine whether it was successful or not.
The Chinese revolution
The Chinese revolution was one of the significant transforming events of the world. It gave birth to the Republic of China, one of the most powerful republics in the world, characterized by factors such as its huge population, advanced military technology, and diverse economy. Previously, China was disorganized and disunited. China had to struggle to defend itself from powerful nations like Britain, Germany, France, Japan, and Russia. The foreign forces managed to establish spheres of influence in China, thus exploiting the Chinese resources and also exerting control in China (DW Documentary, 2018).
Consequently, the Chinese Revolution was triggered by anti-imperialism and the idea of nationalism in the 19th century (Isaacs, 2010). The Chinese revolution was necessitated by constant exploitation of foreigners, corruption, foreign imperialism in China, inequality, economic weakness, national disunity and the Qing Monarchy. All these reasons caused conflict among different groups in China as many people had different ideas on how they wanted China to be.
The course of the revolution
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, China fell into a brief period of the war in 1916. In the following years ,there were frequent power struggles among specific groups within the Beiyang army. The first phase of the Chinese revolution known as the Communist insurgency started in 1927 and ended in 1937. The communist party launched an appraisal in Nanchang against the Nationalist government in Wuhan. The communist conflict resulted in the creation of the Red Army, which had four main forces.
The communist party had an aim of seizing the political power by force, but it was suppressed by Wuhan and the Nanjing factions who allied together. The CPC made a lot of attempts to take the cities of Guangzhou, Changsha, and Shantou. The Red Army was heavily armed and hostile, took control of southern China. They tried to suppress the rebellions opposing the communist parties. The war during this period was also referred to as the "Ten- Year- Civil War." In 1930, the Central Plain War broke out as the KMT internal conflict which was aimed at rooting out the remaining pockets of the communist activity. They used five campaigns to succeed in which the fourth campaign had a lot of significant achievements.
In 1934, Chiang launched the fifth campaign and successfully encircled the Jiangxi Soviet region with fortified blockhouses. The second Sino-Japanese war took place between 1937 and 1945. CPC was seen as a more significant threat as they refused to support and fight the Japanese army. Chiang saw it better to unite China, in which he eliminated the warlords who were not bringing peace in the country. China needed more time to build their army as they were not stable to face the Japanese military during this time. In 1941, clashes rose between the communists and the KMT forces which intensified towards the end of the year.
The New Fourth Army of the CPC wanted to evacuate Jiangsu and Anhui because of the harassments and provocations of KMT in those areas. The KMT forces also ambushed them during their evacuation leading to the loss of thousands of lives. Countries such as the United States tried to defend the costly civil war, despite the clashes between the CPC and the KMT. In summary, the development of the Second Sino- Japanese War favored the CPC due to the victory of their guerrilla war tactics which supported their war against the Japanese.
The Japanese launched their last offensive operation in 1944 against the KMT that weakened the Chiang's forces. The Red Army had grown in large numbers during the end of the war ("Secrets of War, Deadly Intelligence 01 Mao's Secret", 2018). There emerged immediate post-war clashes which lasted from 1945 to 1946. The Japanese surrounded the Soviet Union, as the KMT was expected to surrender to CPC.
Negotiations became inevitable among various leaders such as Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek. Fighting then resumed in 1946 and ended in 1949. This was triggered by the growth of the power of the Communist Party that grew considerably ("Secrets of War, Deadly Intelligence 01 Mao's Secret", 2018). The wars were fought using firearms and ammunition that claimed the lives of thousands of people.
The participants of the Chinese revolution
The Chinese revolution involved many participants who were either supporters or defenders of the revolution. One of the participants includes Mao Zedong, a Chinese Communist leader. He served many roles, for example, declaring the creation...
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