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The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

Essay Instructions:




Over the last half century, the United States has built a wealthy and technologically rich society, partially through what many would call a disproportionate share of the world’s natural resources.  As more and more of the world’s population look to benefit from those resources, it will become harder both economically and socially to continue to justify our use of them.

One resource that we all need is water. There is a finite amount of clean water available on the planet, and the technology to produce more is, at best, in its infancy.

  • What I would like you to do is read the article I have posted on Blackboard, “The New Oil: http://www(dot)newsweek(dot)com/2010/10/08/the-race-to-buy-up-the-world-s-water.html# Should private companies control our most precious natural element”. Then see if you can find some more material on the subject.  Once you have “boned up” on the subject, answer the following questions:
  • Should water be treated as a commodity that can be bought and sold like oil, or should countries restrict its sale and use?
  • Are there any technologies you feel should be developed or explored that might help in a coming water shortage?
  • Would you support measures such as banning the sale of “bottled water” unless it can be shown that the local water supply is untrustworthy?
  • One of the technologies that have been proposed to ease our dependence on foreign oil is to expand the production of ethanol for cars, but for each gallon of ethanol we produce, we use approximately 4 gallons of water.  Do you think it is worth it?

Once you feel you have looked around enough, put together a short 1-2 page paper addressing the issues.  As with the first paper, I am not requiring formal citations, but I expect to “hear your voice” in the words, not a collection of cut and paste material.

12pt or smaller, no greater that 1.5 spacing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The late Thomas Jefferson is cherished and revered by many for his great achievements in the American history. He immensely attained success in many aspects and areas of life where he engaged in. However, he personally wished to be remembered for drafting the Declaration of American Independence, religious freedom for State of Virginia and as the Father of the University of Virginia. Jefferson was born to Mr. Peter Jefferson and Mrs. Jane Randolph Jefferson in April 13th 1743 in Shadwell that is today called Albemarle. Unlike his father, his mother was from an able ancestry. He enrolled in College of William and Mary for formal education at the age of 17 years in (1760-1762) and later went to George Wythe to study law (Forrest, 1976).
At the time of his election as President, Thomas Jefferson’s first election simmered in a standoff through tie and delayed results with his running mate Aaron Burr. In the runoff Jefferson emerged winner and took office as president. He then assumed office with a surprise reconciliatory appeals to his opponents. He called on them to join hands with him in forming a united America by shunning division amongst themselves. Jefferson’s strong belief in democracy and respect for others resulted in the first smooth transition ever in the world. Another remarkable quality was his indiscriminate human rights championing. President Jefferson is well known for his human rights observance. He advocated for the need of respect to all human beings. He championed independence, which considered that all men, irrespective of creed, are created equal by God. He declared independence to every American citizen.
Jefferson Thomas exercised great level of selflessness in American Revolution when he declared independence in 1776 for the American populace. This announcement did prove that he was a committed leader. He always fulfilled the ambitions that the American intellectuals wanted to achieve for the country. It is during his presidency that a considerable step took place when he oversaw the separation of religious matters from those of state. Jefferson regarded religion as an issue that solely links God to man and should be accorded distinct recognition by all to all. He is reported to have said that the state can not dictate to its people what kind of worship suits them. He went ahead to caution that each individual should independently choose what and where to worship (Forrest, 1976).
As a relative moralist, President Jefferson had relative belief and opinion. He practiced and observed that American citizens should be a society that realizes desirable qualities. And this virtue should be in every single act that Americans do. This has been accomplished through deeds that are good unto others by the American people. In the era of Jefferson as president tremendous democratic achievement was founded and realized. Privileges and benefits of that period are evident now all over the world as leaders emulate and make courageous decisions for their people. Thomas was a visionary and courageous leader. In 1803 at the time of his leadership, Britain and France were engaged in war. The result of thi...
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